Pet Peeves

Pet peeves – we all have them!  This past week while talking to various friends and family, I heard everything from ‘I just hate people, so everything is a pet peeve’ to men who pick their noses while stopped at a red light.   I spent hours on Pinterest laughing at so many, but I went with the PG ones I think most of us can relate to.  So, without further ado …

Pet Peeves - we all have them! My top 10 list with some input from friends and family. The most popular range from cell phones to grocery stores to manners.

My Top 10 Pet Peeves (in no particular order):

  1. Throwing cigarettes (or any garbage) out of car windows.  If you want to smoke and pollute your lungs, I have no problem with that.  Why do you have to throw the butts out the window of your car and pollute the earth?  Put them in your damn ashtray and contaminate your own car.  NOT the universe that you are sharing with the rest of us.  I have nothing against smokers; I used to be one – but I used an ashtray.
  2.  How many people smoke and then put it out right where they are standing and leave it there?  I have seen it on golf courses, outside workplaces, and restaurants.  There may even be a large ashtray that looks like a garbage pail three feet away, but they can’t see it?  WTF is that?  If you smoke, carry a portable ashtray.  If not,  put a little baggy in your pocket and put the butt in there when you are done. Not under my feet or where a little one can pick it up off the ground and put it in their mouth.  DO YOU HAVE A CONSCIENCE?  Oh, that’s right – it’s the sense of entitlement.
  3. Men who take off their t-shirts to mow the lawn.  Most of the time, people who take their shirts off in this situation have no business doing it.  I do not want to see your hairy chest or large woolly belly or your man boobs.  Nobody does!  Put on a tank top … anything … please!?  Unless, of course, you look like this:   
  4.  My latest pet peeve is people walking behind my car when I try to pull out of a parking space.  You see me pulling out, yet you still think to speed up and make sure you squeeze by between my car and the one I am trying not to hit.  Am I the only person that happens to?  Remember when people would stop and help direct you to get out of that spot?  Now they seem to like to play chicken and blame you even though they weren’t even out of the store when you started backing out.
  5.  Strangers who put their bare feet or dirty shoes up on the seat next to you in a train, at a ballgame, at the movies – wherever!  Please stop! I don’t want to see them or smell them.  It isn’t polite. (thank you for reminding me of that one, Roberta)
  6.  People who stare at my son because he has Down Syndrome.  These folks look at him like they have never seen a human being with a disability.   Do you not realize how obvious you are being?  He sees you, and so do I.  Just say “Hello”  or “Hi Handsome.”  He will smile, shyly put his face in his hands and be thrilled for the acknowledgment.
  7. When I still have 1/4 of a bottle of lotion and the pump isn’t working.  I shouldn’t have to turn it upside down and bang it or dig my fingers in there.  Why can’t they make a pump that works until the bottle is empty in this day and age of technology?
  8. I am in a grocery store looking at something, and somebody walks in front of or reaches around me to get something … what comes out of my mouth?  I think the words that escape you are “excuse me.”  What the heck happened to those two simple little words of politeness? Is that too much to ask?   It is that sense of entitlement again!
  9. Whiners – from 2 years old to 80 years old.  At 2, a toddler doesn’t know any better, but if they are still whining at 3 – I blame the parents.   For adults, it is always the people who wouldn’t know a real problem if it bit them in the ass.  The people who have difficulties don’t complain – they pray for the less fortunate.
  10.  People who say that God only gives us what we can handle … said no God ever.  That is not why bad stuff happens, so please stop blaming him.

Pet Peeves - we all have them! My top 10 list with some input from friends and family. The most popular range from cell phones to grocery stores to manners.

Grocery Store Pet Peeves

  1. When you get in an express lane with 25 yogurts and ten different kinds of fruit and claim that’s only two items … yogurt and fruit.  Really?
  2. When the lines are long and a perfectly capable person can’t seem to bag their own groceries to help.
  3. Even better is when they not only don’t help, but they stand there and complain about the way the cashier is doing it.
  4. I always pack my groceries because I prefer it, but that doesn’t mean the cashier shouldn’t say thank you.
  5. One of my husband’s pet peeves:  We run into the grocery store for a few things, and I see a friend I haven’t seen in a while.  20 minutes later, we still only have two of the four items we went to buy.
  6. When people drop something or their kid breaks a jar of peaches, then proceed to leave it there and pretend it never happened.   Get somebody!  This also goes for the movies – throw your garbage away on the way out.  It’s your mess, and you aren’t leaving the movie guy a tip for cleaning up after you.

Pet Peeves - we all have them! My top 10 list with some input from friends and family. The most popular range from cell phones to grocery stores to manners.

I should probably stay out of the grocery store.

Cell Phone Pet Peeves

  1. Looking over at the person next to me while I am at a red light and seeing them blatantly on their cell phone. I REALLY love it when they are holding the phone up and talking into the speaker because they probably figure that is better.  They are almost always driving a Mercedes, an Acura, or a BMW, and I know that if my old Toyota Camry has Bluetooth, so does your car –  USE IT!
  2. When in a public place like church, restaurants, movies, etc., please turn the ringer down or, better yet, vibrate.  It is so disrespectful to the rest of us.
  3. People in the nail salon on their phone – nobody wants to hear your conversation as we are there to relax.  Can anyone say text?
  4. We also don’t want to hear it in the grocery store.  I can relate to that – I can’t tell you how many times I have listened to people next to me saying something, and I think they are talking to me.  I can’t see that little thing in their ear, so like an idiot, I talk back and then apologize.  What is the matter with me?

Pet Peeves - we all have them! My top 10 list with some input from friends and family. The most popular range from cell phones to grocery stores to manners.

Pet Peeves - we all have them! My top 10 list with some input from friends and family. The most popular range from cell phones to grocery stores to manners.

On an aside … I understand the whole cell phone while driving being illegal, but my question is – why is that illegal, but not putting on your make up?  I used to be so guilty of that!  That is probably worse than the phone and not for nothing, so is changing the radio stations or smoking a cigarette (two hands on the wheel)   And EATING!  What if some fresh mozzarella accidentally slides out of your chicken cutlet wedge and falls between your legs when you are really hungry … You have to look down for that too! 

This one cracked me up …

The English Language

  1. Like when like people like to say like constantly.  Like – you know what I mean?
  2. UR, CU, IDK, IDC, L8R, NVM, OMW, K, KK – YFM? (you feel me)
  3. Like – literally?
  4. Pet Peeves - we all have them! My top 10 list with some input from friends and family. The most popular range from cell phones to grocery stores to manners.

I talked to many friends and family members throughout the week, asking for their pet peeves, and the #1 answer was …

When you hold a door open for somebody, and they don’t say thank you.

 This was mentioned to me by my 18-year-old and a 60-year-old friend and many in between – manners – so simple!

A very close 2nd place was people who talk in the movie theater!

And last but not least, the prize for being the only one to mention this pet peeve goes to Kim Dinunzio …………. she doesn’t like it when somebody’s socks are crooked!  Hahaha!

A Final Thought

We are all guilty of at least one of these pet peeves, but if you find at least three you partake in … we secretly talk about you. Just sayin’ …  🙂

Shout out to Kim, my beautiful dinner companions on Thursday night,  Marianne Kennedy, Joe Sestito, my sisters-in-law, and my daughters for the input!

Do you have one that I didn’t mention?  Please share it with us so we can all have a good giggle!

Much Love Always and Happy Sunday!

#enlighten #empower #educate #laughalittle #BeKind

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  1. Sandy, this was a fun post to read. Good to laugh at stuff we can all relate too. My pet peeve? People who leave their cars parked at the gas pump while they go inside to pay or browse. I mean, hello????? why not park the car closer to the entrance? what is so nice about keeping the car by the gas??? Love to you and family! Joan

    1. Ha! We all have them, don’t we? I wrote this so long ago and was thinking of doing a Pet Peeves #2. We are all good. I have had a full house for a few months and now it is empty again, so hopefully, I will be catching up on other things! I hope you are all well too. xoxo

  2. does this work?

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