A Beautiful Mess To Be Thankful For

As I was driving to work the other day, a sad Selena Gomez song was playing on the radio, and it occurred to me that I was smiling. It struck me because I have been going through my usual leading up to the holiday, November blues. My mind during the holidays can be quite a mess, and here I was a little joyous.

leukemia & Joey: The Story of his Diagnosis

How does one begin to tell the story of the time their child was diagnosed with cancer?   People usually call leukemia – leukemia.  They say it like it is a disease unto itself, but it is cancer.  It is a cancer of the blood.  

The Story of Zach: A Profile in Courage

How sad that there has to be a “National Suicide Month.” I understand it is to bring awareness to the (lack of) mental health situation in both society and the medical world. My primary intention here is to present a positive picture of a caring, vibrant and brilliant young man suffering from paranoid audible schizophrenia.

Quality Time and Self-Care

This week, I did something again that I never do – I took the whole week to myself. I had seven days without any real responsibilities. In other words, I wasn’t babysitting and had no kids at home. I spent all those days doing whatever the heck I wanted.

Jets Fans in Nashville

From the minute you get on the plane, you are surrounded by people of your ilk. In this case, the ilk is Jets Fans. A happy go lucky bunch of faithfuls. The happiness grew with the camaraderie on the plane and a few J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets! Chants. Yup – we are a brotherhood of crazy folks who bleed green.

Zach: The Sweet Boy With Soulful Eyes

This past Tuesday night at 12 pm, the phone rang.   I heard it but it took me a minute to register.  The phone number on the TV said my Isabella.  I grabbed my cell phone thinking somebody got in a car accident or somebody got arrested.  On my cell phone, it said I missed a call from my brother, Christopher.  There was also a text from him saying to call him.

Acts Of Kindness: Spread The Love

There are many different Acts of Kindness.  As this has been my focus for this week, I am going to touch on some stories shared with me, another I read about on the Good News Network, some Twitter love, and two instances of local people rising to the occasion during a recent snowstorm.  All different, but generous of heart and spirit with all the best of intentions. 

Nana Penna & Her Cookbook

One of the many reasons I am writing this blog is to leave some sort of a legacy for my children and grandchildren.  When I first started this endeavor, I had done an Ancestry DNA test.   I had hoped to find out something or anything about my father’s family; especially his mother.