Listening and Learning Through the Sadness

What a week! I am not going to lie, it had some great moments, but the sad definitely outweighed the good. I am not going to be very uplifting, but I am going to share a few things that I learned and do a bit of venting. It has to be done. It has to be repeated over and over to those in the back who can’t seem to hear. Or the people in the front standing at the pulpit who choose not to.

Walking Thru This Emotional Rollercoaster

I need to get off of this freaking ride. This week marks one month of quarantine and the roller coaster continues. Maybe I could call this post more ramblings of a madwoman? I had times where I was worried I was actually going mad and others where I was just plain angry. Other days, I felt so at peace. This myriad of emotions is out of control. Is it just me?

leukemia & Joey: The Story of his Diagnosis

How does one begin to tell the story of the time their child was diagnosed with cancer?   People usually call leukemia – leukemia.  They say it like it is a disease unto itself, but it is cancer.  It is a cancer of the blood.  

College Advice From Students & A Mom

This is the time of year when you see all the recent graduates getting ready to go to college. Even if your kid is a sophomore or a junior, like mine, this advice isn’t going to change. Not much has changed in the 16-year span of college for my kids, so this should be timeless. The only thing that will change is the price – always up!

Graduation Day: The End of an Era

The alarm went off at 7:55; my heart jumped and the tears popped into my eyes. My head told me to get up and move because I don’t want to be crying all day.

Forgive: A Guest Post by Bryana Cielo

It can feel like the most impossible thing to forgive someone who’s done you wrong, especially if it’s someone that has shown you that they are trustworthy in the past.

Overcome the Hate with Love

I am just going to have to come out of my bubble for a minute. Get my head out of the sand!  It isn’t as though I don’t know messed up shit happens in this world, I DO KNOW!   I just don’t want to watch it or hear about it anymore.  It can seriously ruin your mental health.