College Advice From Students & A Mom

This is the time of year when you see all the recent graduates getting ready to go to college. Even if your kid is a sophomore or a junior, like mine, this advice isn’t going to change. Not much has changed in the 16-year span of college for my kids, so this should be timeless. The only thing that will change is the price – always up!

Chemo/Side Effects: Joey & leukemia, Part 5

So there we were – heart problems seemed to have subsided, but then we had new issues to face.  Joey’s arms and legs were starting to quiver, and he was experiencing diarrhea again.  The body shakes were a side effect from a chemo.  

leukemia Diagnosis & Joey: Part 2

After 2 hours in the ambulance, we arrive at the Medical University of South Carolina Children’s Hospital.  I honestly don’t remember much about that arrival, except the greeting by the nurses on the floor.  They were expecting us.

Pet Peeves

Pet peeves – we all have them!  This past week while talking to various friends and family, I heard everything from ‘I just hate people, so everything is a pet peeve’ to men who pick their noses while stopped at a red light.   I spent hours on Pinterest laughing at so many, but I went with the PG ones I think most of us can relate to.  So, without further ado … +16

Time Doesn’t Stand Still

Time … where does it go? I have been saying that more and more lately to myself and my friends on Facebook. It isn’t life that is moving fast – it is us, and we need to slow down so we can REALLY just enjoy the moments.

Sometimes I Just Want to be Alone

Monday, June 25, 2018: Today I had a rough day.  It started yesterday.  I figured my mood was because I was exhausted.  I usually stay up all night editing my blog over and over until it is just right or until I can’t look at it anymore because I am going to be ill.  In my head, it has to be perfect.  Yesterday I didn’t want to do anything.  Why can’t you have one day where nobody wants anything from you and doesn’t ask any questions and quite honestly, doesn’t even know your name?  +8

Father’s Day Love to the Dads and Father’s

I say Dads and Fathers because there is a different connotation between the names.  Father is a more respectful name and portrays an authority figure.  Dad insinuates sweetness, more of a gentle person, always there with a hug and a shoulder to cry on.   Whichever you have or are, Happy Father’s Day! +5

Menopause and the Mid-Life Crisis

This is a perfect subject because I believe you have to see the humor to get through menopause. Otherwise, it may become a viable reason for defense in a court of law for why we may physically hurt people during these years…