leukemia & Joey: The Story of his Diagnosis

How does one begin to tell the story of the time their child was diagnosed with cancer?   People usually call leukemia – leukemia.  They say it like it is a disease unto itself, but it is cancer.  It is a cancer of the blood.  

Blessed & Giving Back: The End of leukemia

But when I saw kids with brain tumors and babies who were sick, I became grateful that my child only had leukemia. My perspective changed and I felt blessed, his fight was not as difficult.

Chemo/Side Effects: Joey & leukemia, Part 5

So there we were – heart problems seemed to have subsided, but then we had new issues to face.  Joey’s arms and legs were starting to quiver, and he was experiencing diarrhea again.  The body shakes were a side effect from a chemo.  

Side Effects/Chemo: Joey & leukemia, Part 6

Joey is admitted back into the hospital to start the next phase.  This particular phase is an extremely high dose of methotrexate.  It was given slowly into the spine over 30 minutes, and then given in the vein over the course of many hours.  The side effects would be horrific mouth sores and vomiting.

My Heart: Joey & leukemia, Part 4

I no longer had Freddy to get me coffee, and that was a problem.  No more husband to hold my hand and be my punching bag.  There isn’t much sleeping going on, and I just needed that cup of caffeine first thing in the morning. 

Room With A View: Joey & leukemia Part 3

leukemia isn’t like a lot of cancers.  A victim usually goes into remission after five weeks of getting beaten with chemotherapy on an almost daily basis.  His particular leukemia,  acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL),  has an excellent prognosis, but all leukemias have a high risk of coming back. 

Sunset Beach: Love, Memories & Piece of My Heart

My daughter asked me if I was going to write about this and I said “NO”. It wasn’t something I really wanted to share. But I am supposed to be writing about life and this is real life. My world is pretty darn good, but sometimes it sucks. Right at this moment as I am sitting here trying to sell 13 years of memories – life totally SUCKS.

Wonder: The Movie, Auggie and My Son

Last November, my Down Syndrome mom group and I, took our kids to see the movie Wonder. The moms were in one row and our kids were in the row in front of us. The sounds of sniffles were consistent and I knew where they were coming from. I didn’t want to look because everyone needs their privacy, but I knew because I was part of that sniffle party.