Procrastination or Adult ADHD

It’s too early on a Saturday morning. Our day started like it always does, with me sleeping until the very last minute. I set the alarm for 7:35 because Joe had to be on a trip by 8 am. That left me 25 minutes to get up, brush my teeth, feed Joe breakfast, make coffee, and drive him to where he needs to go. That’s the way I roll, and he got there at 8:05 – this girl is always 5 minutes late. Why? I am pretty sure I suffer from procrastination.

Did you know there were four types of procrastinators? I had no idea! I just googled it looking for something to talk about because I always put my writing off until the last minute. Thus, the title of this week’s blog. It turns out that I qualify for 3 out of the four different ways of being a procrastinator. YAY – I found something else I am good at!

While googling it, I went down a giant rabbit hole called Adult ADHD and as luck would have it, I have 6 out of 10 of those qualifications. Of course, I have been a mother for 36 years, so that could just be mom-brain. Let’s see …

Anxious or Stress Procrastination

I don’t think I have this one. This particular procrastination is

“a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.” *

Yeah, that isn’t why for me.

“They are bad at managing their time and often schedule more work than they can do, leaving no time for fun activities or resting.” *

Nope – I definitely make time for fun, many times prioritizing fun over task. Hence …

Fun or Avoidance Procrastination

The fun procrastinator would rather be doing anything except that one dreaded task. YES!!! Probably why I don’t make any money. After all, there are so many fun and exciting things I could do instead. I do love writing, but you don’t make any money doing it the way I do it. I could sell myself more or advertise the products I supposedly sell, but I don’t. That part isn’t as fun – that’s work. Therefore, I don’t do it.

Or maybe I could sit and do nothing but that’s usually my procrastination for cleaning.

I keep a calendar every day and write down a list of things to do. If you call me and ask me to go for a walk, I am off and running. I have been trying really hard to get myself on a schedule these days of working 9-3, so I can take the weekends off, but eh. This is why I am up all night Saturday nights writing a blog. I stick to my plan for 1 or 2 out of 5 days. Then I say to myself, next week, I will do better!

Unless, of course, something more fun comes up.

So yes, I am guilty.

The optimist with ‘plenty of time’ procrastinator.

“Many people find it difficult to start a project when they know the deadline is a long way off. This type of procrastination is clearly visible in students who often struggle to start an essay earlier than a few days before the deadline.” *

I never did this, I waited until the day before and stayed up all night. Damn, I just realized writing this I haven’t changed one bit.

Quote if it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done.

“You may also have tasks that don’t have deadlines. Take a look at your to-do list. Chances are you have at least one item that you’ve been putting off for weeks, if not months. It’s something you want to do, you know it will make things better in the long run, but keep putting it off.” *

You know that book I wanted to write 2.5 years ago? And keep mentioning?

Guilty again!

The strategy for overcoming this type of procrastination is publicly announcing your intention, and that holds you to the commitment. I had seen this somewhere before and did this at the beginning of blogging, and, well, I think I need something a little stronger than that. I’m afraid my case is pretty bad.

Perfectionist Procrastination

“Perfectionists are always striving for the best and, as such, are constantly criticizing their own work. For some perfectionists, the fear of failing, or producing work to a low standard, can be so overwhelming they never actually get around to starting anything.”*

Oh man, it all makes sense now. I wait until the last minute because the perfect idea hasn’t popped into my head yet. When I first started this blog, one of the pieces of advice given was to have several blog posts written before publishing your first. Did I do that? Nope. Maybe once in 2.5 years, I have had a new blog ready to go before midnight on the night of publishing.

Even if I say I do, I don’t.

I will edit and edit and edit until I think it is perfect or can’t look at the computer for another second because I will be sick. Then I get up in the morning and recheck it and make more edits. Is it ever perfect? Of course not! Writing never is. For this reason, being a procrastinator is not exactly healthy.

Most of the time, I don’t even know what I will write about until Saturday. I wait for the magical moment when it flies into my head, or God whispers it in my ear, and the words flow. Then I edit for twelve hours.

Why am I perpetually late?

For all these reasons above and perhaps a little adult ADHD. My typical morning is an alarm set for 8:10 am – not 8 because that would make more sense, and then Joe would be on time for camp. This is procrastination.

I brush my teeth, make coffee, give Joe breakfast, take a sip of coffee, and sit down.

Joe is shoveling his food, and I sit there telling him to take his time because we don’t have to leave for 15 minutes. I check my email, look at the clock – still have 10 more minutes. My phone dings with a text and I have to look. Which means then I look at Facebook. I know that makes no sense, but what can I tell ya. (Adult ADHD) Next thing I know, Joe is handing me the thermometer and the piece of paper to fill out for when I drop him off.

Me. – “Relax, Honey; we don’t have to leave for 5 minutes. let me finish reading this, and we will do it.” (procrastination)

He stands patiently waiting until suddenly it’s 8:50.

Joe, we gotta go, we’re going to be late!

Take his temp, initial, initial, initial, sign my name.

“Hurry up and put on your sneakers – are you all packed up?”

I haven’t even gotten dressed. (ADHD)

That kid is downstairs, packed up, sunscreen applied, and shoes on waiting to go. I am upstairs putting on a bra just in case I have to get out of the car. I run down to the basement, put on my shoes while he is sitting in the car. ( he takes after his father) I jump in, start it up, and look at the time … 8:55.

We’re going to be late again, Joe!

I like to say the clock is slow, or find a way to blame the traffic on the way there but it’s me – the ‘I have plenty of time’ procrastinator with some side effects of adult ADHD.

Am I ever going to change? NOPE! Part of the beauty of being in your 50’s is you accept yourself for the way you are and as far as I am concerned;

An Ellen Degeneres quote being a procrastinator or procrastination isn't the problem it's the solution. It's the universe's way of saying slow down, you move too fast.

That works for me!

*Indicate quotes taken from blog. Thank you so much for all that great information!

Today’s feature essential oil is Copaiba – Did you know it’s better than CBD?

Much love and I hope you procrastinate today,


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate #beKind #laughalittle

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  1. Pingback: Am I Smarter Than A 5th Grader? * Sunday Morning with Sandy

  2. I’ve actually dabbled in a little of each of these tears. My procrastination is so bad and it hasn’t changed either unfortunately. I hope for it to at some point in my blogging career, buuuut we’ll see lol

    1. I have gotten to the point in life when I am accepting myself for the way I am! However, you are still young and wise, so another blogger, letitgocoach, told me to look up Anthony Robbins, Pain and Pleasure saying it would help me. I am passing that on to you! xoxo

      1. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I’ll have to check him out!

        1. You are very welcome – save yourself!!

  3. Hey, Sandy! I am horribly behind, but I started with reading this post because I knew I could relate. I have to say, I have procrastinated with so much in my life and I also put off writing a book for some time. But, I have full confidence still with writing so clearly in your heart, you will write your book!! You HAVE TO just start. I think you will find it addicting once you start your book. Me working and chipping away at writing my book these days has been the cause of procrastination for all of the other things in my life though! Haha… So, be prepared for that little twist.

    Miss you, my friend! I hope all is well. Sorry I have not bee around as much, but you know. Procrastination!

    1. Hi Erin!! I have missed you and sorry I am not really ever on twitter anymore to keep up. Honey, you have so much going on with two little ones and another on the way. I don’t know how you can keep up with anything, but happy to read you are still working on your book. I have no doubt yours will be out way before mine. When I start something, I usually go full throttle so we shall see. A psychic told me this summer I would start my book, but then I got hooked with the oils.(ADHD) What is this little twist you are speaking of … my curiosity is peaked. I am so thrilled to hear from you! xoxo

  4. Exactly what I really want to write about next month, I have experienced procrastination this month terribleπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

    1. That’s me every month, every day, all the time! πŸ™‚

      1. Lol. And when you sit down you will ask yourself “why” πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  5. It’s never too late to change. Google pain and pleasure by Anthony Robbins. πŸ˜€

    1. I will definitely google that – thank you, Barb! xoxo

      1. That’s what came to mind after reading your Blog. You’re welcome lovely. xx

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