Plan B: To Share A Story of Tragedy

I had a plan for today. I have been making sure to live up to the 2020 goals that I mention in my Bench On The Hill blog. My weekends have been filled with more game playing, dancing, and living my life. So for today, my plan was to reblog a beautifully written story posted by a fellow blogger. As you can see, that didn’t happen.

With the world mourning the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna, I had my own thoughts. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel deeply saddened for his family, of course, I did! All deaths are sad and tragic to the families left behind. I do understand having been through enough tragedy in my own family. The tragedy we suffered didn’t make the newspaper, except for the obituary, but needs awareness nonetheless, so I write about it.

When Robin Williams took his life, it was front-page news. He was an amazing, talented man and one of my favorite actors. Again, I was very sad for his suffering and the family he left behind. Because of that tragedy, as it has been with many other famous people, the spotlight is shone on mental illness for a while but doesn’t last long.

My nephew isn’t famous, but as a writer, I feel it is very important to keep remembering him and understanding the aftermath of such a tragedy. It is important to me that you learn about the less famous people … the everyday people … who also suffer. My mom shared her insight and feelings and it is my hope that one day, my brother and sister-in-law will be able to share their thoughts.

That is why I write this blog!

I want to share real-life stories of the non-famous people who walk the earth. The people we can most relate to – the regular folk. That person that walks by you in the street and you have no idea anything about them. I promise you, they have a story too, but you don’t know it. This is why I share my life with you.

So why is this plan B?

Because this technically challenged lady couldn’t figure out how to reblog. Since I couldn’t make it work, I had to switch tactics and write a blog at 11 am on Sunday, and then attach it here. I feel it is important for you to read about the others who tragically died in the helicopter crash. The non-famous, typical people like you and me. Maybe this should have been my plan all along.

This blogger at, so eloquently eulogizes everyone on the plane in her story, The Seven Others. I hope you take the time to click that link and learn about ALL of the people who so tragically died on that helicopter crash. May they all rest in peace with my love and prayers going out to the families left behind.

Much Love Always To Everyone,


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate and always #BeKind.

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  1. Sandy, thanks so much for sharing this. Every time we lose someone famous, I think this line of thinking likely occurs to many of us. Even the most impactful people seem to be at the front of our minds for only a short time. It’s just such a reminder to really appreciate everyone we pass in our day to day lives; the “everyday people” – to really see them. While we’re still living. Love you always!

    1. Hi Joan! Sometimes I think the every day people are made to feel less important and meanwhile they are the backbone of this country and the world. Love you, my friend! xoxo

  2. As always, beautiful Sandy! I read the attachment. It’s all horribly, awfully, tragically heartbreaking and I’m sure it’s not right to say any one loss is worse than any other… but that poor girl Lexi… I am in tears for her especially. My heart aches for all the survivors, all who’ve experienced loss, a mother or father should never lose a child, little babies need their mamas, but that poor girl… oh God, how alone and broken she must feel! I pray so hard that she has wonderful people in her life to cherish her and lift her up and surround her with love!!!! I hope that all the love and prayers going out in honor of Kobe and Gianna go out for all of them… those who perished and their families who are left to deal with the loss. May God be with all of them!!!!

    1. Amen, Angela – God Bless all of the people who lost their life and all we can do is pray that the survivors are surrounded by love and God gives them strength. xoxo

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