Disability Pride Month

How did I not know there was a Disability Pride Month? Apparently, it’s been in existence since 1990, has a flag (above), and there are parades celebrating it. The lack of promotion goes hand in hand with the marginalization and lack of government r

COVID-19 and My College Student

I am all about bringing awareness, so let me tell you my latest life experience. A story of the words I was hoping I would never have to hear coming out of the mouth of any of my children; especially my college student who I can’t take care of … Mom, I think I have COVID-19.

Dear Mr. Cuomo; Your Constituents Need Help …

Very rarely will I get even slightly “political” on a blog or social media. But I have a little venting to do and don’t know how to get through to anyone. So I am throwing this out there. I lost my job on March 18th. My husband was shut down as a non-essential worker on March 28th.

A Call for Equality and Women’s Rights

I do know is that women should have equal rights, equal representation, and equal pay in the workforce. I would ask the question why don’t they, but this has been a male-dominated world since it’s existence, so obviously, it is going to take some doing to turn centuries of being treated less than, to the way it should be – equal for all.

Plan B: To Share A Story of Tragedy

With the world mourning the tragic death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna, I had my own thoughts. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel deeply saddened for his family, of course, I did! All deaths are sad and tragic to the families left behind.

College Campus Racism – What’s Going On?

Since November 7th there have been a dozen incidents involving racism on or around the Syracuse University campus. The acts have been directed towards the African-American, Asian, and the Jewish population.

The Funk: And I Don’t Mean Music …

It happens a few times a year, this feeling of not wanting to take a shower. Not wanting to leave the house. I just want to plant myself on the couch, watch TV, and be alone. Always the holidays, again late in winter and then the summer. Being sad when you know you should be happy.

Alzheimer’s Awareness: A Guest Post

Alzheimer’s is an irreversible, progressive brain disease. It destroys one’s memory and other important mental functions. Alzheimer’s ruins thinking skills and the ability to carry out simple tasks. Although treatment can help manage symptoms in some people, currently there is no cure.