Quality Time and Self-Care

Last week, I wrote about contemplating my life and finally being at a point when I could make a plan for my future. I had even read a book for the first time in two years. This week, I did something again that I never do – I took the whole week to myself. I had seven days without any real responsibilities. In other words, I wasn’t babysitting and had no kids at home. I spent all that time doing whatever the heck I wanted. I hadn’t thought about writing a blog post or even what the topic would be. On Friday, I knew I needed to start working on it. When I was telling a friend the situation, she said why don’t you write a blog about that, taking some time for yourself and self-care. What a great idea – A self-care blog about quality time!

So …

What is self-care? It can be any type of activity one does to better their physical or emotional well-being. There are so many blog posts out there about it. Most of them revolve around mindfulness, exercise, healthy diet, or even a massage – whatever helps you de-stress. My usual self-care is getting my hair colored every six weeks and walking on the treadmill. If I am lucky, a walk with a friend.

There just aren’t enough hours in the week to do all the things we truly want to do – right? I can honestly say that for me, there were enough hours this week. Joe was sleeping away at camp, Bella is still traveling, and their mom did whatever the heck she wanted. My self-care was spending quiet, quality time with some family, some friends, and my husband.

Most of the week was about living in the moment. A couple of plans I had made previously, but for the most part, they were last minute.

A view of trees on a cruise up the Hudson River with a quote on Time.. Quality time blog

My Week of Quality Time …

Sunday, I went to see my dear friend out in Worcester, Massachusetts. We spent 24 hours just talking, whether it be with coffee on the deck or cocktails over dinner. It was such a blessing to have so much quiet, one-on-one time to catch up. I only get to see her two or three times a year, so every moment is precious.

Monday, on the way back, I went to my mothers and had lunch with mom, her best friend and twin sister. I heard some great stories from her friends and learned a little bit about their family. They had some crazy stuff going on!

When I seemed surprised by it all, my mother said to me, “nobody’s family escapes.” Words of wisdom – you think your family has their stories or problems? Everyone’s does. Something I have been learning a lot about since starting this. Everyone has a story. I don’t know about you folks, but I do love spending time with “older” people. They have a lot of wisdom to share and teach. Afterward, a glass of wine and a quiet dinner date with my husband.

Tuesday, I went on a cruise, had lunch, and walked around the grounds of a historic home with another great friend. Do you know when we planned that? Monday night! We chatted and had an enjoyable, stress-free day. It’s crazy the things I have not experienced that are not far from home. I just need to make the time.

Wednesday was my quality time with Freddy day. I did some work in the morning, and then we played golf, had a delicious dinner overlooking the golf course and spent the whole day together, just he and I, without anyone asking us what’s for dinner. We even planned a quick getaway for the two of us at the end of August, just like the one we had last year for our 20th anniversary.

Thursday, I stayed in my pjs until 1 pm, and then my daughter picked me up, we got the grandkids from school and went back to her house. Christine prepared a delicious dinner while I spent some quality time with the kids. Freddy and my son-in-law came after work for dinner. Another quiet, laid back afternoon and evening on a rainy day.

Friday – a nice, relaxing lunch with a couple of more friends I don’t see enough, and they live two minutes away from me! I couldn’t even remember the last time I saw them. It’s really ridiculous how busy we make ourselves, but the time will be there if you make it.

My last night of staycation was another dinner out with Freddy and some close friends at a beautiful restaurant on the water.

A Few Final Thoughts

Every day I did something, but it was a low-key, stress-free week. I went for three days without driving a car and never did any food shopping. That is a vacation in itself. It was full of quality time with the people I was honored to spend some time with.

I had to constantly remind myself to put my phone down and remove myself from social media. I made a conscious effort to be in the moment and present with the people I was with. Being present is a challenge I have to continue to work on. Social media never sleeps and is part of the job when it comes to blogging. Twitter and Instagram aren’t 9-5, but 24/7. I have made connections with some beautiful people, many I hope to meet in real life one day, but I have to learn to compartmentalize the time and turn it off when in the presence of family and friends.

For the rest of the summer, I am going to do my damndest to continue making the time with a lot of other people I don’t see enough. I am going to work harder at making the time before another summer comes and goes.

Next week will come, and I will get back to the work I need to do. But the quality time I took this week will give me the energy for it. Sometimes a little self-care is in order, and it doesn’t seem like the time is there, but if you want it, you have to make it.

A Couple of Shout-Outs

Thank you, Michelle, for the great idea. And Patty (another friend I need to spend more quality time with) I was so busy doing whatever the heck I wanted that I forgot to call you!

If you want to see some pics from my week and videos of my grandbabies singing, visit me on Instagram by clicking here.

Much Love Always and remember to make the time so you can say “I am glad I did, instead of I wish I had.”


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate and try to always #BeKind

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  1. I am so happy for you. What a great sounding week. I had a weekend getaway (kind of, since I still have a baby attached to me). It was really nice though to see some old friends, and just be.

    1. It was great! I am so happy for you, Erin. It’s nice to be able to talk to other adults and parent at the same time. Just to have a cup of coffee and chat with somebody can make a day great. xo

  2. Sounds like such a wonderful week!

    We sure do let life get too busy. It’s refreshing to do just whatever every now and then.

    1. yes, we do!! I can’t wait to do it again in August! xo

  3. Always enjoy our quality time together. Love You 🙂

    1. Me too!

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