Sexual Abuse and My Uncle Mimi

I have very few childhood memories or should I say happy ones.  The only ones I seem to have are bad or traumatic stories.  There have been many times when it stinks.  I hear other people tell happy, fun stories of their childhood, but unfortunately, I don’t have much to share.  Most of my memory is marred by the different ways people have taken or tried to take advantage of me sexually. So many times in my life I had to question: Why me? Why does this keep happening? How many ways can one person be sexually abused or compromised?

I remember some things very vividly and am sure there is a lot I don’t recall.  That’s ok; I know enough and don’t want to remember any more than I already do.

As many as 93 percent of victims under the age of 18 know the abuser.

A Little Background

My grandmother had three sisters; Evelyn, Grace and Rita and two brothers; Philip and Sonny. Her sister, Rita, was married to Amerigo Piccinini, unaffectionately known to me as Uncle Mimi.

My cousins were all boys, as were my brothers, so I was the only young girl in the family.  Playing cards was a part of our family gatherings and common when I visited my grandmother. We all learned cards at a very young age and one of the happy things I do remember is my grandmother playing with me and teaching me rummy. 

Every 11 minutes, a child is sexually assaulted in the U.S.

I don’t remember how it started or the exact day, but with the help of my mother, I have determined it to be around 4/5 years old.  We would visit my Great Grandpa and Nana Pena in their 3-floor walk-up brownstone in Brooklyn. My great grandparents lived on the 3rd floor,  Uncle Joe and Aunt Evelyn lived on the second floor with a door that led to the outside.  On the bottom there was a basement with an office. 

When my brothers and cousins would go outside and play – my Uncle Mimi would graciously offer to take me downstairs and “play cards.” I imagine that since cards were so prominent in our family, it didn’t seem out of the ordinary – the guy knew what he was doing. Plus I am sure the adults were happy not to have all the kids around the dining room table since that was where they hung out.

Maybe he made it seem like he was doing everyone a favor? I don’t know … he would take me down to my Aunt and Uncles to play cards, out of the way of the adults, and while we played, he would fondle me, touching me between my legs. Somehow, he made it part of the game.

He would pull his hand away when he thought he heard anyone coming or if any of the boys in the backyard area sounded like they were coming inside. 

Child sexual abuse is not only a physical violation; it is a violation of trust and/or authority.

There was another time that I was down in the basement, and my little brother was badly cut by a cat around his eye. Everyone was freaking out, and he had to go to the hospital.  I was down in the basement with Mimi at the time.  That is how I know my age – because of that one time, I could relate it to something definitive.

That is the day of the worst thing that I can remember. He had me propped up on some kind of table or desk in the basement and had taken my underwear off asking me to pee in his mouth.  I don’t remember doing it, but I do recall being afraid of somebody walking in because I might get in trouble. I don’t know why I would feel that way, but I did.

My apologies if that just freaked you out.  It is the first time that I am writing it and if I don’t get it all out, then I am afraid it will be in my head forever. I am hoping this will free up that space occupied all these years. The only time I can recall saying that out loud is to my husband at dinner on our anniversary. I held on to that memory all these years.

They might tell the child that the activity is normal or that they enjoyed it.

Then there were the other times when I would be staying with my grandmother in Jackson Heights, Queens.  She also lived in a 3-floor brownstone.  My Aunt Rita and Uncle Mimi lived in a similar unit a couple of doors down from her.  When I spent those days with her, sometimes I would walk with her to the market area to buy her groceries for the day. All the stores were within walking distance and everything was bought fresh for that day’s meals.  Sometimes I didn’t go.  I don’t know if she asked him or he would offer to watch me.  All I remember is the weird game he would play. Child sexual abuse comes in different forms.

We would be in the bathroom – I don’t know how or why – but he would make me take my clothes off, weigh myself, and he would ‘hide’ behind the shower curtain and watch me.  Then it would be his turn to strip to his underwear, stand on the scale, and I would have to ‘hide.’  Weird – right?  My grandmother was never gone very long so whatever game he was playing had to be done fast.  Now I remember him being very skittish and jittery.  I also remember not wanting to stay with him, but I don’t recall ever speaking up and verbalizing it.   Was I afraid?

Sexual abuse is a particularly sinister type of trauma because of the shame it instills in the victim.

My first recollection of realizing that any of these things were wrong was when my Aunt Rita died.  I was only 11 at the time, and the news was catastrophic.  She was on her way to work, in a car accident and died instantly.  My great aunt was a funny, wonderful human being.  I remember her cackling laugh and her crooked fingers.

I was in my grandmother’s living room between the services.  The church was only a couple blocks up the street, so we walked back and forth.  I was sitting in a winged back chair in their living room pretending to be looking at a newspaper, but really watching Uncle Mimi freak out.  He was running around like he was waiting for her to walk in the door and ran up the street after somebody who he thought was his “Rita.”  

I sat in that chair and hated him.  There was not a sympathetic bone in my body and felt the torture he was experiencing was what he deserved.  I remember somebody saying that he tried to take my Aunt out of the casket at the wake and thinking “it serves him right.”  I can still sit here and run that over in my head like a movie. Sometimes, it feels so surreal.

With childhood sexual abuse, victims are often too young to know how to express what is happening and seek out help

I don’t think I ever saw him again after that. There was no reason. I didn’t tell anyone what happened until I was about 13/14. There was another incident that made me finally say something to my mother. She did send me to therapy, but I didn’t like the therapist. Maybe I should say that I could not relate to her? I remember her wearing pearls and being very prim and proper, and not somebody who I felt would understand anything or have experienced any incidents similar to myself. That may not have been true, but in my teenage head, it wasn’t going to work, so it didn’t last very long.

Random Thoughts & Feelings

I am glad to be the only young girl in our family back then. This way there could be only one victim of sexual abuse within our family. But I guess I don’t know that, do I? Chances are there were others because I doubt any child molester only has one victim. Maybe it happened to me so I can be this person; sharing and talking about it so others feel they can open up too.

I have to say that as much as I have proclaimed that I am ok with it, I had a very emotional week knowing this Sunday would be the one when I would share this particular story of child abuse. There were a lot of tears! I wrote this a month ago, but it took me this long to summon the courage to publish. Unfortunately, during this time, I also remembered a couple more things … more feelings. I guess I still had some emotions bottled up.

Without a doubt, I wish none of these things happened to me.  I would prefer it if nobody ever had to suffer any type of abuse at the hands of anyone else. Wouldn’t it be lovely if this was a perfect world?

However, if none of these things happened to me, I don’t know who I would be today.  I like the person who is writing this, so there is no sense in dwelling on what could have been. All I could do was change the course of events moving forward and be proactive to make sure none of my children were sexually abused. I have often said, if any child abuse occurred to one of my own, somebody might then witness my rage. It scares me to think what I would do. Thank God that has not happened. 

Do I have trust issues?  Between this, my #metoo stories and other isolated incidents – Absolutely! But I continually work on this and am so much better. Thank God for Freddy, because he gave me trust back again.

Light coming in a window in a room with a single chair by with quote "The wound is the place where the light enters you."  child sexual abuse blog

Final Thoughts

Perhaps I suffered so I can be there to help people and give real advice. Sexual abuse is an area where I can be empathetic.  Somebody has to be the person who persevered to help others.  I dare say that many cannot weather the storm, but God did me the grace to survive. Albeit, it was a bumpy road, but for some reason, I kept going. Bad things happened and I made some not so smart choices. But I survived, have five kids, and God gave me the grace to continue and fight.  How could I not believe?

Please know, if any of you ever experienced anything like this, I am here for you. You can always feel free to reach me here.

Let my story be a reminder to always #BeKind because you don’t know what somebody has endured in their life.

Much Love and I am ok – I am a survivor and it doesn’t define me!


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate

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  1. This was a tough read. Thank you for sharing. I empathise how hard it is to speak about child abuse. I too was abused when I was about 5. Unfortunately I didn’t have the courage to tell my Mom until I was in my twenties. It broke my Mom’s heart.

    1. I am sorry to read this. My mother did not read this blog because I told her not to. She just knows it happened but if she heard details, it would break her heart too. Many people knew, but never details and I needed to purge myself of all of it because it wouldn’t leave my head. Even when I went to therapy in my 30s, I didn’t give any details. I hope you have relieved yourself of all of it. I am going to follow up on how these things affected my life. I hope you have healed or are healing. Please know that you can reach out to me anytime if you need to talk or an empathetic ear. My email is on my contact page and my door is always open! A big hug to you and thank you for reaching out. xoxo

  2. Wow that was tough to read. Not because I can’t handle reading it or that it brings back any bad memories for me. But I just feel so bad you had to go through something like that:( Or that anybody has especially a child! Its really crazy and disgusting how many damn pedophiles are out there! And the fact that you can’t even trust a family member!? Ughhh

    1. It is almost always a family member or close friend. They are already trusted so it’s easier – very sick and sad. xoxo

  3. Sandy…
    Thank you for sharing this. I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult this was to write, it honestly breaks my heart.
    I know you are a survivor, and this story is part of your journey for sure, but like you said: it sure doesn’t define you.

    1. It was actually harder than I thought it would be, but good for me. Too much to write about here, but this blogging has truly been so therapeutic for me – it’s been amazing self-help and I really believe I am finding my purpose. Thank you Susan! xoxo

  4. Thank you for being brave enough to share your story! <3

    1. Thank you for reading and your support! <3 <3

  5. I don’t like stories like this. It makes me so sad. But I know they need to be told so that others can be helped.

    I believe listening to my gut kept my older son from being a victim at a babysitter’s house. I don’t think she got what I was trying to say about her “family friend”, so I sometimes fear one of the other children may have been harmed. I can’t do anything about it now though.

    Thank you for sharing your story. I am sure it was not easy.

    1. I believe in listening to your gut! I don’t know what you could have done to help any of the other children. You have to be so careful what you say and you can’t really tell somebody a suspicion like that because of your gut. There is nothing you could have done. It wasn’t easy, but it’s out now and that feels better. xoxo

  6. Sandy I commend you for writing this and publishing it. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us and for helping me think through very real issues through your experiences.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Nicole! xo

  7. It’s so very brave of you to share the details of this awful crime that was committed against you as a child – but I am absolutely sure your story will help many people who read it. As children we are taught to rely on adults for guidance “because they are older and know more” but your story has reminded me how important it is to also explain the flip side to my kids in that not all adults should be trusted implicitly.

    One thing I have said to both my kids is that if anyone ever asks them to keep a secret from me they should always tell me, I won’t tell anyone, just need to know so that I can keep them safe. I don’t know if it will work in the long term but in the short term I have heard a lot of “secrets” about achievements on Minecraft and contraband sweets (thankfully!)

    Thank you for your bravery in sharing this, it WILL help people.

    1. My hope is to help other people. You can’t be too diligent with your kids. Predators use the trust factor, which is why so many are family members – because you already trust them! I am so glad yours are telling you “secrets.” That does build up a foundation for the future! Thanks for the love! xo

  8. Wow, Sandy. I don’t have any right words for my feelings after reading this. I wandered the house in thought for a while and then some more getting the kids to sleep.

    First, thanks for sharing. I hope when you did gather that courage and hit the publish button, it lightened you. I hope it lightens you to know that I held my babies tighter while I read this and after, as I tucked my oldest to bed.

    The statistics on this matter are horrible. Youth is so precious and innocent. The people who take advantage of it and get away with it really know what they are doing- like you said. It makes me that much more protective and mindful.

    I will #Bekind, and I really, really appreciate you.

    1. Thank you. For today I am just drained and it is my hope that my load will lighten moving forward. So many people said so many nice things on my facebook page and of course, made me more emotional. Always go with your moms’ intuition on things like this. My mother said to me that she never liked him, but couldn’t put her finger on why. So much of being a mom is your gut and knowing your kids best. xo

  9. I’ll be honest, I was scared to even open this post as this issue is so widespread, yet not talked about enough. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for such a heinous act, and I’m deeply saddened to read your story.

    It definitely doesn’t define you and you are much more than a survivor !
    Kudos to you for sharing your story, for having the intent to help others and spread the word and most importantly, for being the wonderful person you are😊
    Lots of love!

    1. Thank you Aditya! Now you understand my response a little better to your post about happiness and a bad memory. I knew I was working on this and for me it conjured up different emotions as I was relating it to this. That is why I love your blog so much – it truly makes me think. xo

  10. Sandy,

    This was a hard one to read. I kept sighing when I was reading it, that’s what I do when I’m extra anxious, so of course my husband kept asking what’s wrong. This hurts to read. I am very thankful that this is not something i have experienced, although because of the way I grew up and all of the after effects, a psychologists once told me she thinks I am blocking it from my memory and it will come out. Nope, it did not.
    I despise anyone that would do this to a child, what sick tormented souls they truly are. And so many! So flipping many!
    Thank you for sharing your story and helping others to know that they are not alone. You will change someone’s story, you will help others overcome. I love you, sweet friend.

    1. I am so sorry if I upset you – I had to get it out. As far as you are concerned, sometimes memories aren’t meant to come out and I hope that you are not repressing anything. That doesn’t have to be the answer. I love you too. xo

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