Just A Tired Mom With A Mother’s Day Wish

Happy Mother’s Day!  I have really missed keeping up and writing this blog, but this is one tired Mama. I have to be honest, working in a school all day is kicking my butt. By the time Saturday rolls around, my brain is too tired. 

The First Women In A Man’s World

Believe it or not, the first female firefighter goes back to the early 1800s! Her name was Molly Williams; she lived in New York and was a slave.

Celebrating Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month so let the celebrating begin! This year I chose to highlight women who paved the way for the right to a fair and equitable education regardless of race or gender. Two strong ladies who made strides in education opening the door for more opportunity for ourselves and today’s youth.

A Call for Equality and Women’s Rights

I do know is that women should have equal rights, equal representation, and equal pay in the workforce. I would ask the question why don’t they, but this has been a male-dominated world since it’s existence, so obviously, it is going to take some doing to turn centuries of being treated less than, to the way it should be – equal for all.

Hi, My Name is Sandy …

How can I write about an ongoing chapter of my life without stepping over the boundaries and privacy of another? It’s a moral dilemma. I want to be able to support others and let them know they aren’t alone in certain situations. This is one of them and I did get permission.

The Strength of a Woman

About a year ago, a friend of mine gave me a book, I’ve Been Thinking, written by another woman of strength, Maria Shriver. My girlfriend told me it reminded her of my own writing and she thought I would like it. I absolutely loved it, but as I read a few chapters, I got nervous.

leukemia & Joey: The Story of his Diagnosis

How does one begin to tell the story of the time their child was diagnosed with cancer?   People usually call leukemia – leukemia.  They say it like it is a disease unto itself, but it is cancer.  It is a cancer of the blood.  

Girlfriends: A Beautiful Support System

You know what lifts me up on a dreary day? Time with my girlfriends. People have said over and over that if you have a few really good friends in your life, you are blessed. Well, I am here to tell you that I am beyond blessed!