Geranium Essential Oil

Happy Friday! It’s been a hot minute since I posted an essential oil blog. Actually, there have been so many minutes, they add up to 7 months. BUT I am still very invested in the power, and amazingness of their properties. So much so, that my friend and I, who started our Etsy Shop, have added more products and continue to improve upon them. Working in a school has given me some time off for the summer, so let me catch you up on my new favorite …. Geranium Essential Oil.  

Geranium, aka Pelargonium graveolens, is a floral used in many beauty products and perfumes. But it is also used in aromatherapy for stress and anxiety relief, is a natural bug repellent, and utilized in hair care.  

What is so amazing about Geranium Essential Oil?

Geranium is regarded as one of the best skincare oils. It is known to promote smoothness and reduce skin imperfections, including wrinkles, and many other skin irritations. 

Geranium, with a chemical composition that includes linalool, has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties which make it useful in reducing acne breakouts, and helps relieve the itchiness, dry skin, and swollenness that comes with eczema and psoriasis.   It also works wonders on oily skin with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components. 

Picture of a pink/purple geranium with a flower quote

Geranium is reputed to regenerate skin growth and because it is an astringent, your new skin cells will be healthier, with a more balanced PH therefore diminishing acne. DoTerra (my favorite brand) includes geranium in their HD Clear blend. I gave a friend of mine a sample for her daughter, and she sent me a thank you saying it was the first thing working on her acne! Messages like that make me so happy!  

Geranium is also used as a natural bug repellant. As one of the larger chemical components is Citronellol, it makes sense! But how many of your bug sprays smell as pretty as Geranium? 

Because your scalp is skin, it also helps with minor irritations such as flaky scalp and dandruff. Not only that, but it has properties that boost your natural keratin to help with frizz and strengthen your hair.

One blogger suggested using it to ward off lice! It’s good for the hair and repells bugs so it makes sense.

Learning all this convinced me to add a few drops to my shampoo and conditioner whenever I wash my hair. Afterall, I work in an elementary school and have frizzy hair, so why not? At the very least, my hair will smell pretty! I will get back to you on the frizz.

How else is Geranium incorporated in my life? 

I have created a nighttime facial moisturizer I use every evening before bed. Paired with Cedarwood, Frankincense, aloe gel, jojoba, almond oil, and other all-natural products, it is a light, silky formula in which very little is needed – as in any of the best facial moisturizers. All three of these oils work with skin imperfections including wrinkles.

I certainly have plenty of those!

I can’t honestly say if my wrinkles are lessening yet, but my skin glows and it feels great! Besides, I will do whatever I can to prevent more or keep them at bay so this is my answer. The best part is it’s all natural and chemical-free – just the way I like it!

The scent of Geranium is oh so beautiful!

Not only do I use it every night to beautify my skin, but as it is also known in aromatherapy as a stress reducer and balances emotions, so putting it on at night not only makes me feel pretty, but it helps me sleep and clear my mind.

But that makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, when you inhale something that smells so good, doesn’t it put a smile on your face? And when you wear a certain perfume, don’t you feel beautiful?  

So guess how else I use it?

In a roller blend we developed with the appropriate name, Pure Beauty. It is mixed with undertones of citrus oils, and the perfect combination to feel happy and beautiful. Geranium for its anti-stress properties, and citrus oils for their uplift and energy. The scent is amazing! 

Last, but not least, we put Geranium in a goat milk soap with Lavender and, as always, Frankincense.

What do we call it? Why, Beauty Bar, of course! It’s perfect for when I take my shower at night leaving my skin soft and relaxed.

I could go on and on, but it’s late and I need my beauty sleep – hee hee hee.

If you would like to read more about the benefits of Geranium Essential Oil with a greater scientific approach, please read this blog post. If you want to try any of our 100% all natural, handmade products, check out PattySandyEssentials.

Much love and let me know if you have any questions!


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  1. Pingback: My Little Bubble ... * Sunday Morning with Sandy

  2. I had no idea Geranium Oil was so good for so many things! I’m headed to your shop now. 🙂

    1. My friend wears it straight as perfume! Nowadays, it is the one we play with the most. Thank you! xoxo

  3. I like to smell them all!!

    1. I know you do!

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