Lavender Essential Oil Is A Favorite

Lavender is the oil of the day for me every day. It is currently in the diffuser next to my bed while I read Pride and Prejudice. I am being transported to another place and time while reading peacefully without worrying about tomorrow. Aaaaahhhh!

Beautiful purple lavender with a quote, In a world of chaos, choose calm in lavender essential oil blog.

I mentioned last week when I am not using Serenity Oil to sleep, I place a couple drops of Lavender on my pillow. During the day, when stress is getting the best of me, I have gotten into the habit of putting some on my wrists and on the back of my neck or rubbing it on my temples.

My daughter loves to put it in her bath at the end of a stressful day.

What else can Lavender Essential Oil do? Where do I begin …

Mixed with lemon oil and peppermint and put in a capsule, it is terrific for allergies. My girl, who got me started with the oils, has not taken any allergy medications in six years. Another friend told me she mixes lavender, lemon, and eucalyptus for her son’s allergies.

Lavender essential oil is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties so it can be used on bug bites to soothe the area and relieve the itch. For children, it should be used with a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil. Although it is a milder oil, if you have sensitive skin, any oil should be diluted and tested first.

This beautiful oil also has many antioxidants and can be added to your favorite lotions for an added bonus for fragrance as well as anti-aging qualities.

Lavender is a versatile oil that can be used topically, be ingested, and as an aromatic. It mixes well with almost any oil as an added enhancer to whatever ails you. This is why it is found in so many popular blends, like Serenity Oil and Peace Blend. Don’t they sound heavenly? Peace is on my list for this month – the name alone is music to my ears. Who wants more peace in their life? I DO, I DO!!

You can check out my website here and start the road, like me, to a less toxic and healthier life. Hopefully, I will get a better picture up there soon. 🙂

Peace, health and love,



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