Glasses, Glasses, Everywhere

Glasses, glasses, everywhere. Drinks on the table, next to the couch, on the couch, and behind the picture frames. There were all kinds of cups on the countertop, the mantle, and a bunch in the sink … everywhere, but in the cabinet. What was next to the glasses? Coffee cups. But the coffee cups are all different, while the water glasses look the same – so that was not a problem.

Is this my glass?

Was a question heard daily. I would pour myself a glass of water, put it down to go fold laundry or do something just as fun, only to return and see a few all looking similar in the same vicinity. 

Is this my glass?

I would query whoever was sitting there.

I don’t know.

Do you know which one is mine?

I have no idea.

It’s bad enough I can never remember where I put things, but the glasses are all the same. How does one tell if it’s theirs? It’s not like any of us wears lipstick around the house. The only one whose glass is obvious would be Joe’s. He tends to have a lot of backwash ….

During regular times, you may have said “fock it” and drank out of that questionable glass, but there’s COVID! You may live with these people, but we all know that doesn’t mean anything. I believe most cases stem from small family gatherings, and I was living in a small family gathering. I would think about it for a minute and then decide I really don’t want any diseases and into the dishwasher, they both would go.

Everyday, I would come home from work and find cups everywhere and most days to a full sink.

Usually one next to every couch, on the ottoman, and others strewn in various places. I don’t know if somebody is still drinking out of any of them or they have been sitting around for five hours.

Does anyone know who’s glass this is?

Crickets …

Why can’t anyone put them in the dishwasher? I mean, how hard is it to open the door and place it on the rack!? Are things I would say in my head.

So into the dishwasher, they would go. Ten minutes later … Did anyone see my glass? (eye roll)

When it’s just Freddy and me, we know he puts his glass next to the coffee pot, and I put mine next to the Ninja. But when you have all these other people leaving stuff willy nilly all over the place, it becomes confusing..

This your glass or mine?
I don't know. Nobody knows.
In the wash it goes.
Haiku by Christine

We ran the dishwasher every day so we had something to drink out of.

How could there be no glasses in the cabinet?

I was bringing wine glasses with water to bed with me! That’s just not right … it’s the same as a beer glass. Beer should be in a beer glass and wine in a wine glass … what are we barbarians?

I drew the line when my only choice was a jelly jar. So about a month ago, I risked my life and went to Target just so I could buy a dozen glasses, and hopefully, a guarantee of something to drink out of.

What’s my point?

Everyone left. Bella went back to school, and Roberta and Malachi moved out. My cabinet is always full again, but my house is empty, and the only thing on the tables next to the couch is dust.

The grass isn’t greener on the other side, so embrace the mess, and always have paper cups on hand.

Missing my kids and counting my blessings – it was a great three months!

Much love and enjoy the moments,


PS: Go Chiefs!!

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  1. Hey, Sandy! It’s been a long time, but I hopped back here to see you going strong, and this post drew me right in. It is so relatable. Our cup situation is absolutely ridiculous. But, I will embrace it… or try better to:). Thanks, Sandy.

    1. Erin!! How are you? I am going to email you instead of blabbering here. Yes, embrace that mess!! xoxo

  2. Hahaha omg so funny and yes so true! I’m sure we all go through this madness with the glasses, mugs, cups, bowls etc so annoying! Awe I hope your not too lonely now tho:( one extreme to the other right! Miss you guys was thinking bout you on Sunday we gotta get together! Dinner drinks lunch whatever! Let’s catch up tomorrow! Xoxo

    1. Hey! Embrace it, Annie. xoxo

  3. I had to laugh while reading this as we say the same thing in our house, “Is that your glass or mine”! I agree, embrace the “mess”.

    1. Hi Kathy! It seems a lot of people have this problem or version of it. ;). Thank you so much for reading and commenting – I hope you and your family are well!

  4. What a sweet story! When my step-son lived with us, he would use a different glass every time he got something to drink. It would drive me crazy because at the end of the day all of my glasses would be dirty! I have to admit that I almost miss the chaos. It’s too quiet sometimes around here now.

    1. Hahaha! We have some of that around here, too! It’s nice to have time to yourself and catch up on things you need to do when no kids are around, but then I want them back. We just need a vacation every month. Xo

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