A Few Thoughts and Having Faith

In eight days, my Isabella is leaving for her senior year of college. Although not fond of the reasons why, having this extra time with her because of coronavirus has been a blessing. Last week, I learned they wouldn’t be able to come home until after Thanksgiving due to quarantine restrictions. Because of that, I want to spend as much quality time with her as possible. The day after she leaves, Joe goes camping and I will have five days to myself, so I am taking a break. Before I check out, I wanted to share a few quick thoughts. 

We all can agree that these are crazy times, and so much is unsettled. It’s hard to understand as adults, so imagine how hard it is for the kids or young adults?  I have to keep the faith that it will all be ok, ultimately, what else can we do?

My Thoughts For The Parents

Please trust your instincts or parental intuition. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. I like to listen to other people’s thoughts because they may enlighten you with something you hadn’t thought of, but ultimately, I am going to do what I think is best for MY child.  

It isn’t our place to agree or disagree with anyone else’s position. Thankfully, we have the freedom to make our own choices. If something happens, and you fear you may have been wrong, please give yourself grace! These are unparalleled times, so we don’t have any experience from which to draw.  

If heaven forbid, my son or daughter gets COVID, I will be praying for them to be spared the worst and have a speedy recovery. I won’t beat myself up over a decision I made because it can happen anywhere and everywhere, including myself bringing it home from a grocery store.  

I will be doing a lot of praying to keep all of our children safe. Then I will put it in God’s hands because once you make the decision, what else can you do, but have faith!  

None of us asked for this to happen, but here we are! Having to put our trust in so many other people to keep our children safe is difficult. The teachers, administrators, custodians, nurses, aides, etc. who work at your school want nothing but the best for your kid(s). Their safety and your child’s go hand in hand. If you don’t want your child to wear a mask, then keep them home. It isn’t forever! The younger ones will forget this ever happened, and honestly, they will be ok! Children are resilient and bounce back faster than adults.   

To the Teachers, Admin, and School Workers

God Bless! I can’t imagine what you are all going through in trying to keep everyone happy. I appreciate that your summer was probably not your own as it was in the past. We have all honored the nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, delivery men, grocery workers, etc…. as essential and finally acknowledged their heroism. This September, as you all navigate uncharted territory, please know that I consider you to be heroes and front line workers. I appreciate you putting your lives out there to educate the children.

We have asked you to learn a whole new way of teaching in a short period of time, all while worrying whether you will be bringing it back to your own home.   

I have faith that people will be respectful and extra cautious. My heart and my appreciation go out to all of you. Thank you so much for all you do!  


Dance, Smile, Giggle quote on my blog with a few thoughts before school starts and having faith.

Enjoy the rest of the summer before the stress begins. Make each moment count because we won’t get them back. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families to stay safe and healthy.

Please have faith in yourselves, your decisions, and God – believe that he whispered in your ear, and you listened. If it doesn’t turn out the way you want, maybe everything that happens is the way it is supposed to be. My best advice … KEEP PRAYING!

PS: Check out how I am sending Bella back to college prepared to stay healthy, calm, and alert for all those online classes!

Have a great rest of August, my friends! I will be back with new thoughts in a couple of weeks.

Much Love,


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate #beKind #stayhealthy #besafe

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  1. I love this and I think it’s very uplifting ♥

  2. I love your advice to parents. Sometimes we get so caught up in what other parents are doing and then worry we’re doing it all wrong.
    Keeping you and your daughter in my prayers!

    1. Be confident you know what’s best for your child! Thankfully, my daughter is pretty cautious and has a good head on her shoulders. Thank you, Michelle! xo

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