Dear You: You’re Not Alone

The holidays are upon us! Thanksgiving is over and we are moving on to the big stuff … aka Christmas and Hanukkah. Yesterday I told my husband that my Fitbit said I spent 9 out of 9 hours in fat-burning mode.  My resting heart rate was in the 90s every time I checked it, all day. For us older folk, that is considered exercising, but that isn’t what was happening.  

Well, when I further exasperated the situation by a lack of sleep that same night, I decided to write a letter to myself and maybe you … do you see yourself here?  

Dear You, 

Do you wake up in the middle of the night because you can’t turn your head off from all the things you haven’t done?    You aren’t alone!

Is the tree up?  Are the stockings hung?  Is the shopping done or even started?  No?  Join the clubso far I bought two gifts.

Are you trying to focus on the good and not get bogged down by all the stress that comes with this time of year?  Me too, but how do you do that when you didn’t do any of the mentioned above and it’s a little more two weeks until Christmas. 

Did you get a picture of your kids for a Christmas card?  Me neither!  So guess what … 

Have you kept up with the family traditions you try to start every year but run out of time the next year? Oh, honey, I am right there with you – No Nana Penna’s coffee cake yet!

Do you even know what you are going to get your husband for a gift?   Ummmm … I have to get him something too??

Do you want to be the best mom or grandma or aunt or daughter in the whole world and get everyone whatever they want, but can’t?  Oh man, do I understand that.

Have you figured out how you will find the time to cook or the money to host your extended family because nobody else wants to do it? You just want to say no, but also know that if you don’t do it, you run the risk of not seeing anyone? Well, that may be happening this year for me!

Are the family dynamics a little difficult and every holiday involves some sort of drama? I don’t know many families that don’t!

Are you struggling with a trauma or a holiday memory that is always underlying?   I feel you … will it ever go away? 

Do you just struggle because you simply can’t help it?   Are you sad even when you know that you have so much love in your life and so many people who care about you?  Even when you know there are so many homeless people, lonely human beings, and others who are not well and have it so much worse?   I am so sorry for whatever pain you are in.  

There are so many reasons why people have a difficult time during the holidays and these are only some of them.

Snowflakes in white with hues of green and blue with a zen quote in Dear You holiday blog.

What Can We Do?

Keep moving, but know when to say when.  Keep praying, not just for others, but for yourself for some inner peace. Remember and focus on what is really important, like making new and more memories.  In the end, quality time is better than quantity gifts.  Try to incorporate some quiet time into all of it and remember health and well-being are important.  Also, remember you aren’t perfect and can’t do it all. You want to remember the moments, not be so tired that it’s all a blur.

I may not send out Christmas cards again this year. Actually, I may as well admit that I am definitely not. I didn’t last year due to a family tragedy, but this Christmas, I decided it is one thing I am taking off my plate. Guess what? My family and friends will still be my family and friends! I post pictures of my kids on Facebook and Instagram all the time, so they know what my kids look like.

Focusing on my gratitude is a huge part of what is keeping me going.  I am living in the moments and doing the best I can.  I have decided that all those stressful things are not as important as human contact and being there for others in need.  If you didn’t buy somebody a present, give them the gift of time. Plan a lunch or dinner together, maybe a cup of coffee. Have some laughs and talk about old memories.

Maybe I will even try and cuddle with my husband a little more instead of being on my phone or social media – I can’t make any promises, honey!

Finding that balance, which for the holidays, may mean not writing a blog every week, but that doesn’t mean I am not here for you.  You can always reach me at sundaymornwithsandy@gmail or my Facebook page.   Helping you helps me!  That’s the truth. 

Much love during the holidays and always,


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate #Bekind and #pray

Unfortunately, I just discovered my Contact and Ask Sandy pages aren’t working – sorry! I have a feeling they have been out for a while and trying to get it fixed!

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  1. Wish I read this weeks ago!! It def would have helped me! Funny I didn’t do Xmas cards for the first time either and felt so guilty! Ahhh the joys and stress of the holidays! So glad its over!!! For now lol

    1. You have to keep up, LOL!! xoxo

  2. Yes, yes, yes on ALL of this. STILL not finished on presents. Still struggling with budgeting. No Christmas cards out. Family dynamics are a little weird this year. Just struggling.

    But, I’m thankful for the things coming this Christmas still. I WILL enjoy. The pictures of your new grand baby just touches on the joy we should be experiencing. Life is miracles all around, so if we fail on all of those things… I’m thinking- screw it this year. Let’s just cuddle our loved ones and share a cookie with them:).

    Love you, Sandy.

    1. Crazy, right?? I am going to be done by Friday night … that’s my goal. Everything will be done, but the cooking and the baking. For Christmas Eve, it is just all my kids, grandkids and significant others. It will be easy and playing board games are on the agenda. Perfect holiday! Christmas will be some running around, but I am not doing any hosting, so it will all be fun for me! I hope you and your family have a beautiful, magical day. If there is one thing I do know, it’s that it all always works in the end. Love you, Erin!! xoxo

  3. You are definitely not alone. Have a great holiday

    1. Thank you, Denise! Happy holidays to you and the family. ❤️🙏🏼

  4. Hope your Thanksgiving was enjoyed. We have so much to be thankful for, as you mentioned, so many less fortunate & with worse problems.
    The holidays are always hard for me. Too many unhappy memories from staying in an unhappy relationship & atmosphere. I try to remember the happy good times & happy holidays I had before .
    Anyway, I struggle to make the best of it, can’t go back & can’t live in the past.
    Wishing you & your entire family a very Happy & healthy holiday & nothing but the best for the coming New Year. Lots of love & special prayers.

    Lorraine 💖🙏
    (Need to call your mom, it’s been awhile since I called) 😕

    1. Hey Lorraine! I was just thinking of you and going to reach out again. The holidays are not easy. I am sorry you are having a difficult time. I hope you are feeling some sort of relief from our earlier conversations. I am sure my mother would love to hear from you. You are a strong woman, Lorraine, with all you have on your plate, but keep going for the sake of everyone else. God bless and praying for you.🙏🏼 I hope you have some peace this holiday season and some moments of enjoyment, love you! Xoxo

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