Birthday Love & Thanks

Good morning and happy Sunday, my friends! Hard to believe that it is the first of September and Labor Day weekend aka; the unofficial last weekend of summer. It’s also hard to believe this past Friday, August 30th, I began my 58th year of life. Yep, it was my birthday. Another year flew by and with many thanks to God, I made it through healthy and have many amazing memories; ie going to Italy and Nashville. Like most teenagers, I have already done a lot of celebrating with more still to come and counting my blessings with all the birthday love bestowed upon me this year. After all, why should they have all the fun??

A bright orange flower petals with quote on being busy loving life.
Thank you to my twitter friend for this quote!

A Quick Update

The funk has been lifting gradually with a lot of support and love from so many people around me.  Thank you!! Matter-of-fact, I have been pretty damn happy all week. It’s funny how you don’t realize how unhappy you were until you feel that genuine light-heartedness and know your smile is real.

The gratitude journal has been helping. The first thing you do every morning is wake up and write three things you are grateful for and three things that would make the day great. Since I am putting them on paper, I find I am focussing on those statements and making a conscious effort to concentrate on the positive and what I want to achieve on that day.   It has been two weeks since I started and am learning it isn’t as easy as I thought.

Being A Virgo

So I am a Virgo, the symbol of which is a virgin. NOW, if you have been reading my stories, then you know that I am not a virginI do have five children. Nonetheless, many of the typical traits of my sign are characteristics that I do embody.

So today, I am going to work on one of the traits mentioned quite often in being a Virgo; our need to be a perfectionist and how unhealthy it can be. I struggle with this and is clearly indicated by the 70 – 100 revisions and edits I do each week on my posts. A task, by the way, that keeps me up until 4 am most Saturdays and that is unhealthy. So I am going to work on that by taking the day off and continuing the birthday love tomorrow with my family and a couple of dinners during the week. If you want to see a few of my adventures, you can see my pictures on Instagram.

However, I couldn’t take a week off (if this is really a week off) without saying thank you for the constant support and being a part of my life. I truly appreciate you all so much and I love you, I love you, I love you! Now, how about a birthday dance with me?

It’s only 1:30 am and I did 26 revisions, so I made progress!

Much Love and see you next week!!


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate #BeKind and #dance

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  1. Funk that funk girl! Haha xoxo

    1. Hahaha! I try! xoxo

  2. Glad your funk is lifting and you had a good birthday!

    1. Thank you, Nicole!

  3. Happy, happy birthday Sandy! I hope your funk continues to lift and that your smiles keep coming closer and closer together ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you!
    My Best Friend Adeline

    1. Thank you so much, Joan!! Love you, too. xoxo

  4. Happy belated birthday ๐ŸŽ

    1. Thank you! xo

      1. Youโ€™re welcome

  5. Happy Birthday Sandy! Glad to hear the funk is lifting and the gratitude journal is helping. Keep dancing! X

    1. Ha! Thank you so much, Charlie – I hope you are still celebrating,too. xo

  6. Sorry if I missed your birthday. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday with lots of love & all good wishes. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ™

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! I hope you are well. I have been thinking of you. โค๏ธโค๏ธ

  7. Thanks for the dance! As soon as I hit play I started smiling! Brightened my day for a moment!!! xoxoxoxo Happy birthday! Enjoy!

    1. Yay!! I am so glad you danced – I love that song! My daughter was telling me she has seen him a few times in concert and he is just like that on stage – happy and spreads nothing but good vibes. Thank you! xoxo

  8. Happy Birthday Weekend! I hope you enjoy your week! I think I need to start one of those journals too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, Debbie! The one I have is called the 5 Minute Journal and if you google that it will come up. The first bunch of pages gives you a lot of direction that I have already read 2x and will do again. xoxo

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