The Power of a Smile and Hug

Today on Twitter, somebody tagged me in a thread asking if I could pick a superpower, what would it be?  That was easy for me … my power would be extraordinary hugs!   What do I believe can solve most problems in the world?  A smile and a hug. 

I feel these simple gestures can change the culture of society. While all the other people with superpowers fight world injustices with their intelligence, mind control, or force fields, I could be different. It is my belief a genuine smile or a hug can disarm negativity and bring harmony and light to our existence without violence.  

I Am A Hugger

How did it start? My Nana, who passed away 27 years ago, gave the best hugs.  I believe she is the one who instilled this love for the ultimate affection in me.  Lucky for me, I have a friend, who I am not sure if I told her this, but she ‘replaced’ my Nana with the best bear hugs.  I swear in my heart of hearts, from the very first time she embraced me, I knew this special woman was channeling my grandmother. It’s like a big hello from heaven every time.  

A hug takes effort, and in my mind, it is the ultimate greeting. It shows genuine concern and feelings. A good hug can melt away pain and bring suppressed feelings to the surface. That same warm embrace can turn an otherwise angry, bitter person into a loving human with the unburdening that can be felt when you let your guard down from a good long squeeze.

(Hmmm … maybe this should be the next Marvel character?)

On the health side of it, a hug is way more sanitary!! A kiss on the cheek is quick, perfunctory, and leaves germs. I am not against kisses, but I have to make a case for the hug.


Show that somebody you really, really care.  Feel the bond and pass your good energy on to others. It can be happy energy or consoling, but the connection is real. It will give a person hope and soften their defenses in an otherwise stressful life.   For the science of psychology behind a hug, here is a great article.

Sometimes it makes people uncomfortable because they are not used to such affection, but I bet they leave you feeling more loved and welcome in your life.  I know that some beautiful humans have sensory issues, ASD, or other disabilities in which giving a hug is not possible, but to the caregivers, I send you my love and an embrace right now … 

Teddy Bear Hug GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

The Power of a Smile 

A genuine smile can be a glimpse into the soul of a person.  It can be the act that attracts one person to another. A warm smile with a greeting is what initially draws people into your world and an impromptu grin from ear to ear can change anyone’s day. 

Try to smile at someone randomly and see if they can’t help but give you one back – it’s contagious. I want everyone to go out today and shine your pearly whites at somebody next to you in line, or in church or just walking down the street – make sure you have eye contact, and I promise they will smile back.  They won’t be able to help themselves!  

So much can be read through just a smile, you don’t even need words. It can be pride, joy, love, compassion, empathy, kindness, or sympathy: it can simply show a person that you are there for them. In fact, to put a smile on somebody’s face can be an act of kindness.  

A border of daisies with a Mother Theresa quote on a smile in my power of a hug and a smile blog.

Did you know a smile has health benefits?  

The formation of a face in the smiling position releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain. Those are the chemicals that make you happy and relieve stress.

Does smiling lead to wrinkles? Yes – especially those of us who smile with our whole faces! I have crows feet around my eyes and laugh lines around my mouth, but I wear them proudly.  It means I have smiled and laughed a lot in my life. My kids have given me so many reasons to be proud, and when I smile at them, they know it is with love, joy, satisfaction and/or understanding. So bring on the wrinkles!

My favorite smile of the week? Check out this picture below: This was an act of kindness by a great guy I am blessed to know who worked with the Jonas brothers to put this incredible smile on a beautiful young lady’s face. This picture, in turn, made me happy for the rest of the day just thinking about it. How wonderful is that? I also probably looked at it 100 times because I couldn’t help myself – it just made me so darn happy!!

Young woman in a wheelchair with a HUGE smile on her face surrounded by the Jonas brothers.

How you leave a person is the way they will remember you. So try to always part with a smile. Even if it is a sympathetic smile, a slight amount of your light could seep into a heart and hopefully initiate the healing process.  It will feel so good!

Now get out there on this beautiful day, and spread some of your love with a hug and a smile.  Both are simple gestures and acts of kindness that can have an impact. Each one of us has the power to make the world a brighter place with just one moment that may be remembered and cherished by another for a lifetime. 

I will leave you with this: another story of a simple gesture and act of kindness that had a profound effect on the life of a special young man.

Thank you to my friends who help me write these blogs by sharing amazing stories and just by being you. I am so grateful.

and yes, I am still digging this gratitude journal!

Much Love Always and Hugs to ALL.


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate and always #BeKind

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  1. True to your word, you wrote about hugs. I love it so much.
    My father in law was not a hugger. I used to chase him around to give him a hug and now, guess who’s the one that initiates the hugging? Yup, you guessed it, my father in law. Love that I made that happen. Hugs change everything and make you feel loved. A hug from my hubby at the end of a hard day, releases so much stress. That embrace is sometimes my glass of wine, my medicine, my workout. Ha ha!
    Thank you for being you. Love you! Muah (oh and a hug, too!)

    1. I am so sorry – I thought I replied to this!! I love that last line – your glass of wine, your medicine … love it and you!! xoxo

  2. I Love this article!! Glad I was a nudge in your Inspiration to write such a great post! 2 of the most happiest things one can benefit from…. Hugs & Smiles 💕💕 It’s a reassuring of being safe everytime I see someone smile! And hugs… Are the best indeed!! Thank You for sharing 💖

    1. Thank you for being one of my nudgers!! I had been thinking about it and then when I got that – it was my message from God – and you gave me my opening paragraph. We must be connected. xoxo

  3. I’m a firm believer in hugs and smiles! I like to give and receive smiles! The warmth I feel and the sense of connection to humanity from a returned smile… 🙂

    1. It is amazing – you are my kind of woman!! Thank you, Debbie!

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