I Believe: The Current State of My Faith

I don’t go to church anymore, but my faith has never been stronger! A few of you may want to argue that point with me, and some currently do, but I know how I feel. I was born and raised Catholic, and brought my children up with Catholicism. When the Pastor that I loved so dearly left, I wasn’t too far behind him. He was the only thing that kept me going.

I have many reasons why I stopped going to church; including the fact that I didn’t feel the faith in our new Pastor, but the core of it is more of a fundamental nature. Over the last two years, I have said that I wanted to find a church that encompassed my personal beliefs, but right now I don’t know if that is ever going to happen. I may not go to a church, but I believe in my heart that I have more faith than many. I have taken my faith back to the basics, not what everyone’s different interpretations are – but I try to think, what were Gods intentions.

My Faith Got Me Through

All of the events that have taken place in my life have brought me closer to God. Like every other teenager or young adult, I went through my atheist stage or questioned my beliefs. But that all changed by the time I had my first baby. I believe children should be raised with faith.

Footprints quote on the back of a silver heart shaped necklance laying on a black background.

I said silent prayers and clung to my footprints necklace each time one of my kids was up at bat or on a field. There was no anger with God when Joey got cancer, I wore my rosary every day and prayed.

I believe God is the one who has given me the grace to be so strong and hold my head up high with all life has thrown at me.

Since I started this blog, I have written 44 stories, and I bet you will find an element of God in almost every chapter. My faith and belief are also why I came up with the #ThinkGod on my t-shirts.

So many have become disenchanted with the church because of the stigma with all the sex abuse of children. That isn’t why I don’t go! It goes back to so many things I have always questioned and how it pertains to my life.


I went to confession most years during the Easter season. Did I think I needed to do that? Heck no! I believe that I can confess whenever I want. I believe he is always there and always listening, so why can’t I say it directly to him? Confessions are personal and just between God and me.

God is the best listener, he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart with a faded background of a lake with trees, blue sky and bright sunshine.


I was married in a Catholic church the first time. I had a baby and was divorced a few years later. When it came time for my third marriage, we were married by my sister in law, but it was important to Freddy to get married in a Catholic Church. I respected that and started the annulment process. So if you pay money to the church, they will make believe you never got married?

Well, I had a kid so what does that say about her? She doesn’t exist as far as the church is concerned? I don’t get it. I also don’t believe for one second that this is what God had in mind. He intended for all people to stay married, so I don’t think he had a process for undoing that. For that matter, a method that if you paid the money, would be declared ok. My ex got the annulment before me, and I did get remarried in the Catholic Church sometime later, but it wasn’t for me. I believe God was at my third wedding and was praying for me that it would work this time. God wants me to be happy.

I Believe God Accepts Us All

It’s not a secret that I have a daughter who is queer. I do believe that most people are born that way. We are all creatures of God, correct? So why wouldn’t he accept us all just the way we are? To me, it’s as simple as that! This is my biggest problem with so many churches – why will they not marry people on the LGBTQ+ rainbow? Why would God not want his creatures to feel accepted? You can tell me that a gay person can attend this church, but if they won’t marry them, then as far as I am concerned, they don’t accept them. You receive the whole being, not just the parts. I believe God accepts us all, so does that mean that I am giving him more credit than most? To me it does, so I maintain that my faith in him is stronger than others.

Priests Being Married

Why can’t a priest be married? There are plenty of churches where the Pastors are married and read from the bible – just not the Catholic Church. I believe that God would be evolving with what is going on in today’s world. He is a smart being so don’t you think he would want whatever it took to make this world a better place? For us all to unite as Christians with love for our God and all human beings? That is what I believe.

simple spread kindness on a wooded background.

Most religions believe in God or Jesus or both, but interpretations are different. Well, we are all individuals who may read things differently than the next person. Can’t we just respect each other’s opinions on the differences but remain one in love for our higher power? I believe God would appreciate that as long as we all treated each other with kindness and compassion.

I Believe God Forgives All

He forgives us of all our sins. I have committed many and still do when it comes to using his name in vain. I do apologize most times as I am cognitive of it, but I am sure I have times when I don’t even realize and move on. Heck, I apologize when I am cursing at the person in front of me driving slow when I am in a rush for work! I usually feel terrible when I pull up next to that person and see they are elderly or have a disabled badge hanging from their rearview mirror, and will immediately say “God forgive me, I need to be more patient.” That’s the truth!

My brother is going to let me know of some bible verses in reply to some of my comments, and I welcome it! I am always willing to listen, and we have some great conversations on the subject. I would be lying if I said that I actually read the Bible, but to me, any Holy Book is based on interpretation and the person passing down the story. This is why I say that I am taking it back to the basics … right to God himself.

My Final Thoughts

When I get to heaven, (I don’t care what anyone says, I know I am getting in) I am going to have some questions for him and get some real clarification. Somehow I will try and pass this information down to my loved ones on earth so that they will know. But until then, I can promise with 100% certainty, that God wants us to love one another. He wants us to be respectful and kind. People put on your Godfi – open up your hearts and minds to the spirit of love. No matter what your interpretation is.

My faith in God grows stronger as life goes on, but my presence in church has diminished. What I believe and my reasons why.

This is where I am at for right now. I will continue to follow the path that I believe God wants for me and when I find a church that sings to my soul, I will let you all know. While I am searching, I will continue to have thoughtful discussions with other people about their faith and stay open-minded. I know that while I seek the place I feel most at peace, my love for God will continue to grow.

To read about more about my faith , you can read God Talks to Us, You Just Have to Listen

Much Love Always and Many Blessings for a Beautiful Sunday!


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate and #BeKind

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  1. Beautifully said. I believe there are two clear forces at work in the world, good and the other – it doesn’t matter what building you are in, or what book you read, if you’re spreading joy (which you always are) you’re on the right side.

    1. Amen! <3

  2. Where are you getting this from? God does not accept sin.

    1. Hi Sharon! I can only assume you are referencing one thing and it is how I feel and what I hope. I am not getting it from anywhere. BTW – that is one of the questions I will ask when I get there. If it’s not and you are talking about forgiving all, then my belief is as long as you ask for forgiveness, he will give it. Thank you for commenting! My brother did send me lots of scripture too .. as I knew he would. Sandy

  3. It is interesting to me to hear people’s stories, especially as it related to their faith. I can’t say I agree with…well a lot of what you wrote in this one, BUT I do agree that God prefers us to be kind to one another. God is love, and we can’t say we are anywhere close to Him if we are not kind to each other. You know I consider you a friend, and that is why I won’t go into my difference of belief here. It sure would be nice to have REAL coffee with you to chat face to face about these things!

    Bless you for sharing these things with all of us! As always, I appreciate your writing about your personal “stuff”. I feel like I know you better with every post I read. 🙂

    1. I laughed a little when I read this because you were one of the people I thought about! I figured that I may disappoint you a little bit because you may have thought I was more of a religious person, and I really am, but not in a church sort of way. I think if you could read my kids’ thoughts on Facebook when they share my posts, you would see that. I truly love your posts and learn something from you and about you every time I read them. Yours are a priority and there is a reason for that. We are definitely friends and it really would be nice to have that cup of coffee one day. Too much to write in this space! xoxo

      1. LOL – I’m on social media fast this week (Jan21-27). Email at will: [email protected]

  4. As always, you inspire me with your thoughts and words and your honesty. I have no doubt about your faith. I do go to church but I am blessed to have found an amazing church that fits me and welcomes and embraces the broken and the lost. Being “religious” doesn’t make you a better “Christian”. The term “Christian” is only used 3x in the Bible and it was used in a derogatory tell. What we should strive for is to be a “disciple” of God. And in order to do that we much know him and we know him only by having an intimate relationship with him. No one can tell you that you don’t have a relationship with Him. That’s between you and Him.

    1. Amen! I am so happy for you that you found one that fits you and I hope I will one day, but I am happy with where I am right now! It will come to me – of that I have no doubt! I did not know that about Christian! I learn something new every day! 😘🙏🏼

  5. So we’ll said Sandi! My feelings exactly. I almost didn’t send A & B to religion because of the way we were taught. I believed you were dammed for everything. I went and discussed this with the director and she allowed me to review the texts and I saw that they now taught of a loving and forgiving relationship with God. I went on to receive my certificates so I could teach this and while it was one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.
    That ended when a deacon made a unwanted suggestion towards me. I took action as I was afraid of what his power may have on the students of this church that he ran the religious ed program( I was hired as his assistant) for. Luckily they removed him right away and I later learned that I was not the first.
    My faith in God continues and I am pleased that my daughter teaches her daughter that God is good!

    1. Hey K! Good for you for taking action – that was a brave thing to do. Instead of being afraid, you saved so many others from an experience that could permanently damage them. I think I know what you are speaking of and I am in awe. God is great and loving, unfortunately, some of the humans speaking for him are not. Hugs to you girl! <3<3

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