Peppermint Oil For So Many Reasons

There is so much to say about DoTERRA Peppermint Oil. As this is the time of year for gardening, I felt it was the best time to share a few things peppermint oil can do for your veggies, plants, and bugs. In the end, I will share what amazing things it can do for YOU!

Peppermint oil can keep away the ants. I don’t know about you, but I had big ants everywhere in my house this year. Not just in the kitchen or by the front door, I even had them in the bedrooms!

So this past week, I learned 10 drops of peppermint oil with 2 cups of water in a spray or mist bottle works to get rid of them. Spray the leaves with a fine mist, preferably first thing in the morning, so it dries in the sun. One of my basil plants had some type of bug eating the leaves, and I sprayed the leaves with this concoction, and it worked! The plant is healthier and no more bugs.

I keep wood in my porch to burn in the firepit, had ants on the logs, so I sprayed them, and the ants haven’t been back. As I am sure you can imagine, now I see an ant anywhere, and I am spraying.

Peppermint Oil is also a rodent repellent.

Not only does it help with bugs, but I also read it keeps the chipmunks out of the garden. I will never forget, two years ago, I went outside to pick some basil and caught a chipmunk chomping down on a rather large tomato between his teeny little paws. That was the moment I realized those cute little things are not as adorable as we see on Sleeping Beauty – but are vermin!

Last year, my husband set humane traps to catch them and would drive over a mile to set them free. Supposedly, if you don’t go at least that far, they will find their way back. We don’t kill things around here!

SOOOOO, now I am spraying the perimeter of the garden and all plants with peppermint/water spray. I spray a little extra around the base. You can also place peppermint soaked cotton balls in jar caps and strategically place them around the plants. As of now, we have not seen any critters and no evidence of any activity in our garden.

Chipmunks aren’t the only problem; we also have squirrels that jump off trees to land in the garden and eat. Squirrels have to be taken ten miles away so as not to return. (Yes, my husband drives the ten miles.) As luck would have it, squirrels and chipmunks are in the same category, and the smell of peppermint is a natural repellent. They don’t like it!

Do you need more?

Not only does it help with gardening and bugs, but it also can be used as an aromatic pick me up, a little drop will flavor your tea and it helps with digestion, including IBS, and respiratory function—so many services and 100% natural. A couple of drops go a long way.  

It gives a cooling effect for fevers, and sunburn and for those of us in menopause, it cools the body for relief from hot flashes. It can be applied on the back of the neck, bottom of the feet, or on the area of concern.

Big hit these past two weeks was adding the Peppermint Oil to Tea Tree Oil and knocking out poison ivy on my husband and mother-in-law. That same blend takes the itch out of mosquito bites – who doesn’t need that this time year?!

You can read more about it heretrust me you won’t believe all the benefits to one oil! I can keep going and gushing on, but I think you can tell how much I love it.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out either through here or my contact page. I would love to help. Honestly, the last time I was so excited to take on a new adventure was when I started this blog!

Much love,


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  1. Pingback: Frankincense: The King of Essential Oils * Sunday Morning with Sandy

  2. You’re reading my blog notes. Lol I have a draft post about my favorite oil too. Love yours. Never tried for mosquito bites, will have to look into that one

    1. Yes! I can’t decide which oil to talk about this week … I am going to try for every week, but I am loving learning about them! Tell me your favorite. xo

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