The Damn Virus, Humanity, and Living Life

It has been a bit of a crazy week around my neck of the woods. Ten minutes away from where I live seems to be a ground zero for this damn virus. Sorry for the curse, but darn is not a strong enough adjective. I have no doubt we are all sick of the word coronavirus at this point, but we are going to be hearing it for a long time. It so happens, that the county I live in is the 2nd hardest-hit area in the country.

We have been dealing with this virus for a while, but I’ve been kinda going with it, not taking it that seriously. As the week went on, the news kept getting worse. The school I work in shut down on Tuesday but did reopen on Wednesday.

So, I thought it would be ok.

Ten minutes away, the number of infected people kept growing so much that the Governor of New York called in the National Guard to open a command post and containment center. I still thought people were overdoing it.

As Wednesday went on, it kept going downhill. The SUNY schools were talking about closing, Joe’s school was up in the air, and at 11 pm I found out work was canceled for the rest of the week.

By Thursday, after dozens of emails and texts, I thought I was going to lose it. Stressed more than anything that I was going to be out of work and not getting paid.

As of now, my school is closed indefinitely, Bella is home for at least two weeks, with classes going online for most likely the rest of the semester, and Joe is still up in the air. I assume by Monday, it will also be closed indefinitely. At this point, almost every school in the area is closed, so it is inevitable. It is all sinking in – this damn virus is really something!

My first thought when the news really started going downhill was that I wouldn’t be getting paid and am I going to lose my job. Just when I finally get out of the house to work, am feeling a little more adult-like, and actually getting a real paycheck, this happens.

I did spend about 12 hours feeling sorry for myself, but that’s over. This isn’t about me! I will be just fine and needed some perspective.

Who are some of the other victims of this damn virus?

It goes without say, that the ones infected and quarantined with this illness are the ones suffering the most. But there are countless others … The elderly who are being told they can’t or shouldn’t see there loved ones just in case they are carriers. Can you imagine being in a nursing home or hospice, and not being able to see your families? That is heartbreaking and I imagine very scary.

The people who have compromised immune systems and can’t leave their homes. They also can’t have visitors, so they are alone and stuck, probably fighting off depression. Others, not being able to have needed surgery or be able to receive their chemo treatments.

The kids and young adults are losing out on a part of their lives. Whether it be the cancellation of little league, college basketball, traveling abroad, graduations, proms or weddings. In the instance of some areas, a simple thing like eating because, with schools closed, some kids may not get their free meals. I knew a boy a few years back that lived on the free breakfast and lunch from school. His mom didn’t always feed them and he was embarrassed to ask for help. There are hundreds more around here like him.

The small business owners will take a hit as people don’t go shopping for anything but essentials. Big business will be taken care of by the government … but what about the domestic workers? or childcare workers?

I saw a local gas station selling gas for $2.28 a gallon. When I asked him what was going on, he said the bottom is already falling out. We are freefalling into a recession.

Then there are incidents of racism against the Asian community. Why do people perpetrate such acts against a person they know is innocent? I keep hoping that people aren’t so ignorant, but they keep proving me wrong. How is it that someone can believe that a whole race of people is responsible for a virus? Obviously, they were already racist in the first place, but now they just can’t help themselves and act out. I would really like to hear somebody denounce that, but I haven’t. Maybe I missed it? It is all very reminiscent of post 9/11 and the crimes committed against the Muslim community.

We are supposed to pull together in times of crisis – not play the blame game.

No one person or race is to blame for this damn virus or any other. They happen all the time and are going to continue with another new one next year or the year after. Everyone can make whatever decision they need to make for themselves, but PLEASE be kind and considerate of others. I have a friend who works with the Asian community and she sent me and my friends this text asking us to please spread:

Dear Fellow Americans: I was just out with a group of young Asian visitors to the US – 9 of the 13 have experienced a hateful attack in the last 2 weeks. Literally spit on, verbally abused, and safety threatened. Even worse 4 young 1st and 2nd generation Asian Americans I have the pleasure to work with have experienced the same  racial hateful attacks. This behavior is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Please correct this behaviour when seen or heard. Their experiences were heartbreaking and not the America we are proud to call home.  Please share with family and friends to remember no one person or race is to blame for the current health crisis.  Thank you, Eileen

Moving Forward on this Damn Virus Crisis

Most of us are going to suffer a financial setback of some sort because of this crisis, but it is a reminder that if you have your health, nothing else matters. I needed to remember that, too.

The town I live in is sharing information on a community page. The small business owners are offering to deliver food to those who need help. The community members are showing real support for each other. This is a beautiful example of what everyone should be doing – pull together and love your neighbor.

I saw on Facebook that families are offering to make sandwiches and bring groceries to those kids who aren’t getting their meals. They are asking if anyone needs help, reach out privately, and they will be there. God Bless all of you!

Life is going to be upside down for a while, but what can we do?

Be a good human being like those I mention above. Take advantage of these small business owners and support them. Don’t be afraid to go to their stores. Everyone is going above and beyond to be clean and you only need to be cautious. Carry purell and wash your hands.

Utilize the forced downtime! I have about 1000 emails to catch up on, and maybe I will even try to read a book. If you don’t want to leave your house, call somebody you haven’t spoken to in a long time or build a puzzle. I can’t remember the last time I built a puzzle. That used to be my snowstorm thing, but we haven’t had one of those in a while. Whatever you do, please don’t waste this time.

I walked with a friend this morning, figuring we could hang out and play some games; practice our Mahjong. Why not? We are all feeling ok.

I like to look for lessons in situations. Maybe God is trying to tell us all to reevaluate our priorities or remind us that life is fragile? We definitely need to do some praying and contemplating, as this isn’t going to be over anytime soon. I just heard that churches are canceling services, so silent prayers are definitely needed. Even when this damn virus is contained, the financial setbacks will continue on because of trickle-down economics. I am more concerned about the aftermath than getting sick.

We just never know what is going to happen in life, do we? So live your best life! Do you know what I am doing this weekend?

Have a sleepover with those cuties and enjoy some extra time with my baby girl home from college. Tomorrow, we are having a birthday party with the family. I will focus on enjoying the moments.

On a side note, When this is all over, I want somebody to explain to me what’s going on with the toilet paper?!

Much love and wishing you all good health,


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate and PLEASE #BeKind

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  5. Nice post. It’s always good to get the 411 on the 914!

    1. Well, well …. look who is reading and commenting! I really think we have to do the #. We can use you as the funny, deadpan guy.

  6. A very nice read, Sandy. It’s nice to know that I wasn’t alone in going through those very same mental stages throughout these past 2 weeks. Be well and enjoy those kiddos and grands.

    1. Hi Janet! I have no doubt the mental stages aren’t over yet now that it seems to be moving in the direction of a month. Thank you so much for reading and commenting – Stay healthy! xoxo

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