Hopes For The New Year

Prior to the start of every new year, seems to be the time when we reflect on our lives. We think about the past year and start to wonder what we want moving forward. In order to think about what our hopes will be for the upcoming year, we need to look back. Reflecting on 2018 isn’t easy for me.

My Reflections on 2018

Somebody tagged me on twitter, with the question ‘what was your most memorable moment this year?’ My friends had wonderful memories, but my answer was, “I have to be real – all of my most memorable moments are not good ones.”

During the summer, we lost our home in Sunset Beach, NC. At the time it was a devastating loss because it encompassed 10+ years of memories and was a place I felt was a home to me. But then a couple of months later, my dear friend, Teri, passed away from Leukemia, and then just two days before Thanksgiving, my nephew, Zach, took his own life.

When I reflect on how upset I was in North Carolina, I think how silly it was in comparison to a beautiful life taken too soon. A lesson learned people, relationships and purpose are what life is about and the value of those things is infinite.

I know I started my blog in 2018, but that isn’t a memorable moment. It did give me more purpose and that is where I need to put my focus. What I want to achieve with my life moving forward, and a list of my hopes for 2019.

My Personal Hopes

I read a quote by Andy Warhol recently,

The idea is not to live forever but to create something that will.

I started that this past year with my blog, but was only going to give it a year to see how successful I was. I promised my husband that I would look for a job if I couldn’t sustain myself doing this. That is not the case anymore. I am just going to keep going – writing my life stories, giving you my opinions, asking you all to please be kind, etc … I can’t give up and I won’t. Even if I just make a small difference, it will feel good.

I want to keep giving back in a way that I can. Continue to try and help anyone and be of value in their life. I am working to start an advice column. What else can I do with the benefits of all my experiences in life and parenting, but help another human being who may be in need? A shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and hopefully some words of wisdom. That is my hope for the future and where I want my success to be.

My kids and my grandchildren won’t care how much money I leave them, that isn’t a legacy. They will know me, the real me. Where I came from, how I persevered and who I want to strive to be. I know I started a legacy years ago by volunteering and advocating for my children. They watched, and now that they are adults, I can see the fruits of my labor. I see them with their opinions and beliefs; trying to make a difference in this world. That is a legacy; I see so much of myself in them.

After getting my Nana Penna’s cookbook and asking questions about my heritage, I realize how important that is to pass on a documented history. There is so much I will never know because of the deaths of loved ones, and there are no writings to pass on, just a cookbook and objects. I want my kids to know as much as they can. Stories can be passed down, but can be inadvertently changed … kind of like the telephone game. I hope to publish a book I can pass on to them.

My Top Ten Hopes for The World in 2019

  1. Peace on Earth – an oldie but a goodie. As old as it is, it never seems to happen so it will always have to stay on the list.
  2. More acceptance, respect, and love for all human beings.
  3. Kindness to be an epidemic.
  4. For there to be no more homeless.
  5. That no children or adults ever have to be hungry in a world full of such abundance.
  6. I hit the lottery, so I can do more to make 4 & 5 become more of a reality. ( I guess that’s personal)
  7. That this country does something for the epidemic of mental illness engulfing our people.
  8. For Marijuana NOT to be legal, I don’t care what anyone says; it isn’t a good idea. I am good with medical use.
  9. There is no more cancer.
  10. I hope for people to start thinking more with their hearts and with the perspective of what God would want them to do.

I know these are big dreams, but as Christopher Reeves said:

My reflections on 2018 with important stories from the year and my personal dreams for 2019 with my hopes for the world in the New Year.

So maybe if we all summon the will together, they will become inevitable

Final Thoughts for 2018

A prayer for hope by Maria Shriver:

Dear God, please help me to not lose hope. Hope helps me to move forward. Please help me to maintain my hope in myself, in my neighbors, in humanity. Please help me keep my love alive. With hope in my heart, I believe that my best years are in front of me. I pray that is so. Amen.

What are your hopes for 2019? Please let me know in comments below!

Much Love, Health & Happiness to All!


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate and please #BeKind

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  1. Beautifully written. A few years ago I had a year that seemed pretty horrible. From that year came so much joy, beauty, and abundance, that I really have to say I’m okay that it all happened. It’s hard to imagine we’ll ever be okay or even dare I say, happy, that we’ve experienced these hard times, but it can and does happen.

    for 2019, I wish you all that you hope it to be.

    1. Hi Sarah! Thank you and you are right! We have had some difficult years before when my son had leukemia and we lost my SIL and our faith became stronger and so did we. It is hard to see that right now but thank you for that reminder! A very happy, healthy and beautiful 2019 to you and your family. <3 <3

  2. Beautiful Sandy!! Happy New Year and my hope would be that your hopes come true because the world would be a better place!! Xoxo

    1. Lisa G!! Happy New Year to you my beautiful friend! I think my hopes are most peoples – it’s pretty obvious this world is crazy. love you!! xoxo

  3. I love this! I love the passion and hope and honesty you share with all of your writing. You are an inspiration to me on so many levels. I am so grateful you found your way into my life. Happy New Year love!!

    1. Thank you Lynn! There is always a reason people come into our lives and look forward to getting to know each other better! You are an inspiration to me, my friend! Happy 2019 to you!

  4. I agree that you recording your life is an important legacy. I can’t get enough of hearing about my great grandparents, and it’s sad that I only have so few stories filtered through lost memories and time. I hope 2019 holds much joy and healing for you and those you touch.

    1. Thank you Nicole! I hope so too and I wish you a very blessed 2019 my friend. it is true about the stories, I have been asking my mother a lot of questions since I started blogging and realize I need to know so much more. So grateful for your support xoxo

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