I Lost Sight, But Now I See

Last week, I wrote a snippet from a bad week that had come near the end of a tough school year. After that post and some of the comments I received, I realized that I lost sight of a critical ingredient through my struggle. I was wasn’t relying on my faith.

Reality Check: Life of a Special Needs Mom

I’m sitting in the diner having lunch with my son just trying not to cry. Maybe I have had my head up my ass all these years. Did I overestimate what I thought my son would be able to do? Do I need a reality check?

Special Prom: A Night to Shine

This past Friday was like a dream come true … My Joe had the pleasure of attending a very special prom. I don’t know where the time went, but he is a senior this year and will be my last child to finish high school.

Special Needs Mom: A Life of Advocacy

So much of what defines me and who I am is being a special needs mom. For 33 years now I have been somebody’s mom but saved the best for last. I am Joey’s mom. A mama bear who will fight for her son’s rights to be treated equally and fairly in this world.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. The perfect time to share the story of discovering I would soon be blessed with a special child, the ensuing pregnancy and how we almost lost him.

Compassion & Empathy

Happy Sunday!  Today I want to follow up on last weeks post about spreading a positive message and being kind.   Because October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and due to an incident on Twitter, I thought we should talk about compassion and empathy.

Blessed & Giving Back: The End of leukemia

But when I saw kids with brain tumors and babies who were sick, I became grateful that my child only had leukemia. My perspective changed and I felt blessed, his fight was not as difficult.

Blood Counts: Joey & leukemia Part 7

We ended up with a long delay after the horrible ordeal in the hospital.  We had to go to the clinic every few days, but Joey’s blood counts were low, and he wasn’t able to start the next phase for 15 days.  The next stage had four spinal infusions within two weeks with all the other steroids and chemos.