Walking Thru This Emotional Rollercoaster

I need to get off of this freaking ride. This week marks one month of quarantine and the roller coaster continues. Maybe I could call this post more ramblings of a madwoman? I had times where I was worried I was actually going mad and others where I was just plain angry. Other days, I felt so at peace. This myriad of emotions is out of control. Is it just me?

The Day The World Changed

I pray for the time this will all end, but while that is not going to happen any time soon, I have new hope for the world in which we are living. I have to believe it will be better! Today, I don’t want to write about the reality we are living in, I want to talk about hope and change.

The Reality from the Epicenter

Oh boy … the reality and the numbers with this Coronavirus become more alarming every day. I am posting on all different days lately because they all seem the same when you have been home for days on end.

A Very Powerful Read!

CDC recommending hospital staff use bandanas when masks run out. Hospitals are asking the public to sew masks. Here is a physician responding:

Quarantine: Ramblings of a Madwoman

It’s been constant work on my mental stability as the news continues to get worse, and the hits keep coming. Every time I get over one bit of bad news, the next one comes. The quarantine rules keep changing and growing. Up and down, up and down. Is this the apocalypse? It is all feels so surreal, but I am not going there today!