The Hike at Black Hills, South Dakota

So imagine waking in the morning and stepping outside with a cup of coffee in hand to see for the first time what you worked so hard for and dreamed of for years. It’s like opening the door to a surprise party, but with no noise, only the sounds of nature.

Remembering …

I fought a lot of tears in these last couple of days and realized for some reason my heart hurt more this year than others. Maybe I am feeling it more because it’s the 20th anniversary of this tragic day? Or maybe, because sadly, we are a country divided when 20 years ago, we were a nation bonded by devastation?

RV Road Trip To The Midwest – Part 1

How does one begin to share a two-week experience of a lifetime? Where do I start and how do I describe 14 days of incredible moments? So many people asked me if I had fun and I wasn’t sure how to respond because “fun” was not an adjective I would have used. It was an adventure, an escape from my suburban reality, and a chance to get out of and expand my comfort zone.

Time to Disconnect & Reconnect

I woke up this morning with no intention of writing a blog. But as I was laying in bed I realized this would be my last chance for August! Yup – I have some great stuff going on and taking some time off.

Disability Pride Month

How did I not know there was a Disability Pride Month? Apparently, it’s been in existence since 1990, has a flag (above), and there are parades celebrating it. The lack of promotion goes hand in hand with the marginalization and lack of government r

My Little Bubble …

Life is stressful enough, right? I consider myself to be a normal person. Typical girl with an interesting back story, a survivor of past circumstances, hard worker, life learner, mom of many … always trying to find a balance between three jobs, exercise, family, friends and also have some peace. It isn’t always easy, but I am going to let you in on a big part of keeping my sanity.

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy 4th of July!   Today we celebrate our freedoms as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the birth of this great nation we live in. Last year, I wrote extensively on the actual document, so there is no need to do that again. But I couldn’t let the day go by without saying Happy Birthday, America!

Father’s Day Thoughts and Forgiveness

Father’s day brings up a lot of thoughts for me. I have to write from my perspective, so maybe this won’t be the post for you? I don’t know, but I have to be me, and this blog is my therapy.