Santa Claus: The End of an Era

Looks like I am hanging up my hat … my Santa hat, that is. On Monday, Joe told Freddy and I that he knows Santa does not exist. He said it with a giggle, which makes me wonder if he has known for years, but didn’t want to say anything. Maybe he thought he would get less or perhaps he worried I would be disappointed – he is sweet like that. All I know is, God forgive me, I breathed a sigh of relief. I may have even exclaimed a little hallelujah. Why, you ask? Because this holiday just got a little easier, folks.

 It is so much less stressful not to have to hide the presents, and wait to wrap them on Christmas Eve. No more waiting until 1 a.m. to quietly bring the presents downstairs and put under the tree for the morning. 

In case you missed it, in a previous blog I mention how the beans got spilled about the Easter Bunny in a drunken moment.  A couple of martinis in, and I spilled the beans.  I felt so guilty and knew I couldn’t do the same thing with Santa. Instead, I waited for him to find out.  It only took until he turned 18 … but I had a nice run of being Santa Claus for 35 years, and am definitely ready for retirement.

A Little Bad Santa Story

Last year, when getting the presents ready on Christmas Eve, I saw how little I got Joe and was very upset.  There were only three or four presents! I freaked out at my husband that he was the only kid who still believed in Santa and there was hardly anything under the tree for him.  How the heck did that happen?  I don’t know, but I was hysterical! (and didn’t say heck, but I am sure you realize that)

At 9:45 pm, I left our house and started driving. I searched through a few local towns and up and down Central Avenue looking for any open store. At 11 pm., this crazy mom found an open CVS. I wasn’t the only asshole there, the store was packed, but that didn’t make me feel any better. There I was trying to find the best of the shit left on torn up shelves, stepping over crap thrown all over the place, just so he would have something to open. 

To dig the knife in deeper, I saw a good friend of my daughters that I didn’t recognize. Even after he told me who he was, I was drawing a blank and said you look so different. To which he said, “yeah, I gained some weight.” Well, I looked around for a rock to crawl under but didn’t see one, so after suffering further humiliation, I paid and went home.

I felt like the worst mom ever, but I was grateful that I found something .. anything. 

I got him a calendar, a frisbee that played music, and other tacky gifts. Watching him open the presents and put them down looking for the next gift, was embarrassing for me. I suppose I could be grateful he still believed in Santa so he could take the hit, but in my heart, I knew it was all my fault.

Was Joey upset? No. Truth is, he could care less about those gifts.  I am sure he was disappointed, but he will never tell you that.  He is too good. He was happy to have his family around because that is what is most important to him. Everyone can’t be there all the time, but he loves family time with whoever is there. The more the merrier!

Just to be 100% honest because I always have to be, this Santa cheated this year. 

In other words,  I did a lot of my shopping on Amazon. I had to do it.  Why is that cheating, you ask?  Because I don’t like the fact that Amazon is taking over the world. Remember the song, Where Have All The Flowers Gone?  Well, one day there is going to be a new, sad folk song entitled, “Where Have All The Stores Gone?”  And then look at Jeff Bezos for the answer.

The last present I had to buy was the one for my grandchildren.  I couldn’t decide between a playhouse or an electric car or a bouncy castle for the backyard. What made it so difficult was I couldn’t actually see them, their quality or the size.   These are things I would like to be able to preview in person! 

Remember Toys r us?  Damn, I miss that store.  

Some stores have one house or one electric car, but I want to see them all lined up against each other.  You can’t see any jumping castles at all!   We ended up driving 40 minutes to go to a Walmart and bought the only two cars we could see and were in stock.  We couldn’t really see them except as pictures on a box, but hopefully, when they are built, they meet my expectations. 

I ordered almost everything else from Amazon!  I didn’t actually do any of the ordering so maybe I can cling to that?  (This way I don’t feel like I am contributing to the greedy billionaires.) But I picked the stuff out and had my husband order the presents for the kids, and Christine order the stuff for the hubs.  So I only kind of cheated.  But, damn it, I was going to be done!!  As soon as Joe said he knew Santa didn’t exist, the goal was to be done by Friday with presents under the tree! 

My friends, the goal was achieved.

 Will there be stress?  Of course!  I haven’t even started baking yet, but I am going to take a page from my son and be happy that I am with my family, friends, and framily. My career as Santa may have come to an end, but it’s all good. I just got choked up writing that, and no doubt I will shed a few more over the next few days. I am a very emotional human being and that is magnified during the holidays. But, I had a damn good run and counting my blessings.

A Little Faith

There can’t be a Christmas post without mentioning our savior, Jesus Christ since HE really is the reason for the season. Although he wasn’t truly born on Christmas, it seems this holiday has turned into the biggest birthday party ever with presents under a tree, cheesecake with no candles, and lots of cookies. I don’t think we will ever get back to the real reason, but I believe that people do feel a spirit. I have to believe they are more generous, giving and kind this time of year.

It isn’t the date that matters, it is that we are reminded once a year the most significant gift we have ever been given was born in a manger. (Thank you, Pastor Cal.) We need that reminder to humble ourselves and remember who is really in charge; to help us believe that miracles can and do happen every day; to feel that love of God, for he is love, and spread it to everyone around us, especially those in need.  I pray we all feel the magic of the birth of Jesus Christ and the true spirit of Christmas in our lives today and every day.

A quote from Isaiah 9:6 with a young boy looking up at a lit up Christmas tree with his face glowing in the lights.

Wishing you all a very Merry, and Blessed Christmas!

All my love and lots of hugs,


#enlighten #empower #inspire #BeKind #spreadlove and #thereasonfortheseason

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  1. Hallelujah! The joys of being a parent! Well my parents never went crazy buying me a bunch of gifts for Xmas and I turned out ok lol joeys the best I’m sure he doesn’t expect too much! But funny about Santa, I was so upset when my hubby told my son Santa wasn’t real! I wanted him to find out on his own. Yet my hubby felt he was old enough and didn’t want him possibly getting made fun of for it. Hey at least now they know where all those damn presents come from! Santa doesn’t get all the credit anymore!! Haha.

    1. My little Sophie that I watch still believes! I was kind of surprised this year but just went with it. Christine tells the kids that some things are from her and some things are from Santa and will differentiate them. I started doing that in the end and like that approach. Well at least now you are caught up through Christmas! LOL

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