Life’s Purpose: A Guest Post

Buongiorno dall’italia! In case you don’t know it from a previous post, “Luck & Blessings For Us,” I am currently vacationing in Italy with two of my kids. I can’t wait to tell you all about it, but for now, I am just enjoying some much-needed scenery and wine so please enjoy my guest post from Joan Senio. Joan is pretty famous in the blogging world with her website, My Best Friend Adeline, Kindness – Compassion and The following is a post she wrote about a month ago regarding finding one’s purpose. Something I was looking for when I started my website and believe sharing my life stories is my purpose. Perhaps you are in search of your own? The following post has some great ideas to help you …

3 Easy Ways To Find Your Life’s Purpose

Your Life's Purpose: Purpose is the place where your deep gladness meets the world's needs.

When you wake up in the morning, does your heart sing at the thought of a new day about to unfold? No?  Maybe you need a bit of a boost to get your heart humming.  Does that sound like something worth pursuing? Finding your life’s purpose is a sure-fire way to raise your life satisfaction.  While it may not get your heart singing instantly, figuring out your life’s purpose will likely get you much closer to that resting state of “I love my life!” that we all want.

But figuring out something as significant as your life’s purpose can be daunting! So let’s break it down into smaller, manageable areas to think about.

It may help to think about the innate gifts we have; because when we recognize, honor and utilize our unique gifts, chances are, we are moving closer to our passion.

The reverse may be true, too. When we don’t get the opportunity to use our gifts for too long, it can become more and more difficult to be positive, take initiative, or motivate others. We begin to doubt ourselves.

One way to think about this is, if we feel like a fish out of water for too long we begin to wonder if we ever really knew how to swim!

We all need to get back in the water to fulfill our purpose.

Some have a natural instinct that guides them to their passion, but many of us don’t.  What’s the best way to figure out where our passions lie? How do we begin to understand what would help us to truly “come alive”?  How can we come up with a list to know ourselves better, and to understand what truly “makes us tick”?

To jump-start your imagination, try this:

1) List your gifts: Are you a good listener? Are you good with children or the elderly? Can you make people laugh? Do you like to mentor or teach? Are you a great shopper? Do you have an eye for design? Decorating? Organizing? Anything we do well easily and love to do is a gift.

2) List your skills: These are things you’ve learned how to do that you also do well. Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between gifts and skills, but don’t sweat it – just capture it all. Skills are things like social networking, computer graphics, gardening, party planning, editing, balancing a budget, public speaking, painting, pottery, or sewing.

3) List your interests: What topics can you not read enough about? Happiness (that’s mine), health, history, real estate, fitness, different cultures, politics, cooking? If you were to read a non-fiction book, what would it likely be about? What types of TV shows or movies do you enjoy?

If you get stumped, think back to when you were a child

Your Life's Purpose Wordle

What did you dream of becoming “when you grew up”? Over the course of your life, when you have been the most fulfilled and content, what were you doing?

Connecting the items on your lists may highlight areas of opportunity to identify and get in touch with your passion. For example, are you gifted in noticing beautiful things around you? Are you skilled in using a camera? Interested in nature? Perhaps your calling is to be a photographer who specializes in animals or flowers or landscapes. If you find a connection, try it out one day and see what happens.

Does your heart sing? I hope so. We are all at our best when our hearts sing. Imagine how we could change the world if all our hearts were singing.  Wouldn’t that be a thing of wonder?

Please comment and let us all know how you are doing.  Always remember, we are all so much more than enough.  So worthy and deserving of hearts that sing.

To read more about finding your purpose and using your gifts, please visit:

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Joan Senio, My Best Friend Adeline


So much love to Joan for helping me out and I will be back next week!

Tanto Amore & Che Dio vi benedica (Much Love and God Bless)


#enlighten #empower #inspire #educate #BeKind

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  1. Joan is a true gem! I’m glad she was able to help you out. This is a really good post of hers. She’s so inspirational!

    I hope you enjoyed your trip, and I can’t wait to read all about it!

    1. Hi Nicole! I miss you and going to email you. Joan is soooo good! I especially loved this one on life’s purpose bc it spoke to me. Hope you are well❤️🙏🏼

  2. The seemingly simple suggestion to write down your gifts was profound. I don’t think I have done that in a long time- so long, I can’t remember when I have written down my gifts.

    The problem, I think, unfortunately, is people’s gifts tend to be valued on a monetary value. The gifts worth money are fed. Sadly the gifts that are not worth as much in gold tend to be let go or put in the shadows of the money making skills. I think I have actually done that a lot in my life- gone the safe route and fed and forced the more popular gifts. I think a lot of people do this, and that is why there is a lot of unhappiness.

    Anyway, Sandy, I hope you are having the time of your life, and I can’t wait for your return. But, thank you still for putting a thoughtful post for my brain to feed on:)! I’ll be sure to go follow this amazing lady.

    1. Hi Erin! I am a huge believer that everyone was born with a God-given gift. We all have many gifts; like being a parent is a gift – but not what I am talking about. That was what struck me in this blog post, too. I have always felt writing was my gift, but not sure … I know I am on the right path because I feel it when I get certain comments or from messages for people that reach out to me and how good it makes me feel. I could see my children’s gifts from a young age because I was looking. They may not have been their life gifts but they got them where they are today. For example, my Roberta was dancing on her little times table at 1.5 and so good. She loved being on stage as a dancer growing up. My Christine was reading real books by the time she was 4 and always teaching her siblings. She is a special ed language arts teacher. I could go on and on … love chatting with you Erin! Xo

  3. Wanted to send you something I came across. When you get a minute, email me. Thought I saved it, but Looking forward to Sunday’s because of you, bless you 🙏💖

    Lorraine Vono

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