I Believe In The Power Of Prayer

I have dealt with my child having cancer, lost family members, and good friends to the big C.  But in an unexpected twist in life, it became my turn.  I struggled with deciding if I was ready to share this but I do believe in the power of prayer. 

leukemia & Joey: The Story of his Diagnosis

How does one begin to tell the story of the time their child was diagnosed with cancer?   People usually call leukemia – leukemia.  They say it like it is a disease unto itself, but it is cancer.  It is a cancer of the blood.  

A Wish Fulfilled: Pizza In Italy

Today is Easter, the holiest day of the year, and I didn’t feel it was appropriate to write a travel blog. Instead, I will tell another story about my Easter baby, why we always count our blessings and are grateful to God during this time. This is a little story behind our trip to Italy for pizza and a wish finally fulfilled.

Positive Message For A Good Cause

My mission with this blog is to be real. I want to share the chapters of my life, pass on some wisdom and send a positive message. It is my sincere hope that others will benefit from my journey.

Blessed & Giving Back: The End of leukemia

But when I saw kids with brain tumors and babies who were sick, I became grateful that my child only had leukemia. My perspective changed and I felt blessed, his fight was not as difficult.

Blood Counts: Joey & leukemia Part 7

We ended up with a long delay after the horrible ordeal in the hospital.  We had to go to the clinic every few days, but Joey’s blood counts were low, and he wasn’t able to start the next phase for 15 days.  The next stage had four spinal infusions within two weeks with all the other steroids and chemos.

In Memory of Teri

On September 16th, the world lost a beautiful human being,  Teri Beauchamp Kincade. Teri was a large part of the impetus behind me starting this blog.  She played such a significant role in my new endeavor, that I dedicate my blog to her, along with my son.  I hate f*cking cancer.

Chemo/Side Effects: Joey & leukemia, Part 5

So there we were – heart problems seemed to have subsided, but then we had new issues to face.  Joey’s arms and legs were starting to quiver, and he was experiencing diarrhea again.  The body shakes were a side effect from a chemo.