Dear God,

I am sitting at my desk, looking out my window on this spectacular Sunday morning. The sun is just coming up over the trees, and the sky is a serene, light blue, with a wisp of white. Our leaves have not changed yet, but one lone slurry of red in my sightline directly across the street. I see one little bird dance from tree to tree while a hawk circles above one of my neighbor’s homes. He must have a nest over there because I see him all the time. This beauty is one of the many reasons I know you exist.  

I look down at the sign on my front lawn:

We Believe black lives matter, no human is illegal, love is love sign on my front lawn.  Dear God blog ...

and I wonder about humanity. Why do I have to put a sign in my front yard to let everyone know how we feel? Why isn’t it just so?  Life matters in all it’s beauty and forms, as you created this world and all of us in love and your image.

This is why I, we, the world needs you right now.

The hate is palpable. The fear is real. I believe you are showing us and telling us that we have to get our acts together, but not everyone is listening. I don’t worry so much because I do believe you are here with me. How can I convince everyone else? What can I do to help? All I have is this little blog. I tell my kids, and they listen, but there is more convincing to do. I talk to others about it, but the ones who discuss it are the ones who don’t need persuasion.  

My dearest God, your words couldn’t be any louder; the fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. What are we doing to this world? In this country? I believe now more than ever, you are trying to show us the error of our ways. Money, ego, and arrogance are humanmade. Our hearts and minds are a gift from God. How can I (we) help people come to this realization that this civil war is not the answer?  

I see a little white bird atop the tallest tree, and now he is upside down hopping down a branch. This, in itself, is miraculous! How can they have tiny feet so strong that they can do this? Because you gave them strength and power. Those claws on a small little bird are a survival gift from you to a creature of nature. You gave us all the tools we need, but we have to use them. 

Dear God, thank you for all the gifts you have given me.

My hands, my heart, and my voice are my tools.  My hands to hold, my heart to love, and my voice to speak.

I will continue to do what I can and talk to whoever will listen, through all those presents you gave me, including my exceptional, beautiful children who now share their words with the world.  

I will work hard at remembering not to judge people for their actions and voices, because you are the only judge that matters. I will try and remember that each person who speaks unkindly or acts maliciously has a past and may be damaged and know not what they are saying and doing. I will remember and pray that they, too, have a heart, but maybe they can’t find it right now and need more help. My anger doesn’t help the situation and I pray for you to help me let it go.

I promise to try and always remember to lead with love.  

My dearest God, thank you for giving me life and always being there for me when I needed it most. I promise to be there for you, too, when you need it most, and I feel like right now is one of those times.  

Always in my heart, 


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  1. Beautiful words Sandy.

    thanks for sharing and being a gentle and loving voice where others are choosing to use a religion in a way that quite the opposite.

    Your days already sounds sublime


    1. His message is really so simple, but people choose to put their own spin on things. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Shaun! xoxo

  2. Thanks so , Sandy for this simple , sincere letter to God πŸ’žβœ¨πŸ™πŸ»
    I , too believe the answer lies within each and every one of us 😌
    So many people have forgotten how wonderful the simple things are and that life doesn’t have to be complicated .
    Live and let live , look and listen with your heart and respect and be kind … always kind .
    Your words are simple and comforting and full
    of truth. You are a shining light beckoning others to do likewise ✨✨✨
    Love , Gail πŸ’œ

    1. Sometimes I lose sight, too, and need to get back in touch with what is important. So many times, as in this post, I need to put the words on paper so I can reinforce it in myself. Now, more than ever, we need faith. Thank you so much for commenting, Gail! xoxo

  3. Invoking. A gift on my birthday. Thank you.

    1. Thank you and a very happy, blessed birthday to you! xo

  4. Thank you Sandy. Your letter to God is exactly how I feel… and you have given us the gift of your heart felt words.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Pat. It has been difficult, but I really believe the answer could be so simple. xoxo

  5. Beautifully written πŸ’–πŸ’•

    1. Thank you so much, Cathy!! xoxo

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