The Hike at Black Hills, South Dakota

So imagine waking in the morning and stepping outside with a cup of coffee in hand to see for the first time what you worked so hard for and dreamed of for years. It’s like opening the door to a surprise party, but with no noise, only the sounds of nature.


I am done … over it … We have all had enough! I had every intention of sharing more stories of extraordinary ladies for Women’s History month, but that isn’t happening. Life threw me another curveball and kicked my butt with stress this week. My brains are fried, and I can’t think straight, so spreading some love to the girls will have to wait until next week. Remember when my daughter had covid at college? Well, now it’s in the house.

A Call for Equality and Women’s Rights

I do know is that women should have equal rights, equal representation, and equal pay in the workforce. I would ask the question why don’t they, but this has been a male-dominated world since it’s existence, so obviously, it is going to take some doing to turn centuries of being treated less than, to the way it should be – equal for all.

Hi, My Name is Sandy …

How can I write about an ongoing chapter of my life without stepping over the boundaries and privacy of another? It’s a moral dilemma. I want to be able to support others and let them know they aren’t alone in certain situations. This is one of them and I did get permission.

I Lost Sight, But Now I See

Last week, I wrote a snippet from a bad week that had come near the end of a tough school year. After that post and some of the comments I received, I realized that I lost sight of a critical ingredient through my struggle. I was wasn’t relying on my faith.

Luck and Blessings For Us

I am really doing a 360 from last week to this week, but I have been holding on to this one since late January! Today is March 17th, when many people celebrate St. Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland.

Mother’s Day History and Tribute to My Favorite Moms

Happy Mother’s Day to All you Beautiful Women!  We are a special group of selfless human beings.  As soon as we have our first child, we drop to second place.  In my case – I spent a lot of years in 6th.  One of the reasons I love my husband so much is because he started in 5th place, was soon dropped down to 7th and never complained.  Poor guy stayed there for a long time.  In the last few years, he has been moving up in rank as the kids have moved on and out.  These days he bounces up and down between 3rd and 4th depending on who is around or if our Bella is home from college. +19